chapter 2

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I was eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch for dinner when I realized that I forgot coffee. My mom gets home at 11 sleeps until 4, then drinks coffee and leaves at 6. She comes back home at 5 switches clothes, sometimes eating something quick and leaving again. So coffee is crucial for her routine. The only day she has off is Sundays.

I left my house after "dinner" and walked back over to the mini-mart. I walked in and waved hello to the man behind the counter.

"Back again?" He asked me.

"Yup I forgot something," I said giggling.

I walked over the coffee section. I grabbed my mom's favorite and headed up to the cash register. In front of me was the boy I meant earlier, Miguel.

"Oh hey Miguel," I said friendlily.

"Hey (Y/N)! Woah I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew around already.

"You'll get used to it it's a small part of town," I said bluntly. Hardly ever do you not run into someone you know.

The cashier gave him his bag back, a receipt, and some change.

Then, Miguel left and waved goodbye to me, and I did the same back.

The cashier started to ring me out next. For some reason the bag I had'e scanner wasn't working. "Do you mind going to get another one of these?" He asked me.

"Sure," I said turning back to where I had come from. I grabbed another back off the shelf, and walked back other to the guy. He rung this one out and It worked correctly.

"I'll remark the other one later," he said handing me the bag.

"Okay thank you," I said as he handed me some change and a receipt.

I put the change in my pocket and walked outside.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Miguel was just standing in the middle of the parking lot, covered in... Pepto Bismol? I ran over to him. There was police cars driving off.

"Dude. Miguel. Are you okay? What happened?" I was genuinely concerned.

"Some guys came out here and started beating me up and poured the Pepto-Bismol on my head for no reason. Then, that dude, our neighbor, came out of nowheres, and started using some ninja moves and basically kicked the crap out of them. Then, the police came and only saw him beating up the kids and pepper sprayed him." Miguel was out of breath. He pulled out an inhaler and puffed it. "Man. I was just trying to buy medicine for my grandma."

"Come on," I said grabbing his hand in mine, dragging him along behind me, "Let's go get your grandma her medicine."

After we got her her medicine, we started out way back to the apartments.

"You need to get cleaned up," I said.

"Where? The water fountains?" He asked me.

"No, that's disgusting."

"Then where?"

"My house."

"Oh. Okay," he said.

We walked into my house and he went to sit on the couch. "No offense Miguel, but you are covered in dirt, blood, and Pepto-Bismol. All things that I really don't want to be scrubbing out of my couch tonight."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," he said making me laugh. Why else would I be wetting a washcloth, and getting him water. So instead he stood at my counter.

"My mom can't see me like this," he explained, "she would have a panic attack, and think it was her fault for moving here."

"Yeah, I get it, if my son got jumped I'd be worried too."

"If it wasn't for that guy, I probably would have died," he said as I walked over with all the supplies to clean him up.

"Good thing you didn't," I said smiling at him.

"Here take this," I gave him a Tylenol, and a glass of water to drink it with.

"Is this poison? Are you going to kill me?" He said as he hesitated to take the pill.

"No it's Tylenol and water, and not yet at least," I said.

"Oh okay," he said before taking the pain meds. 

I started to wash hair hair it wasn't really coming out, so I walked him over to the sink. "There we go. It's all out," I said, "but your soaked."

"Oh right," he looked disappointed and worried.

"Just tell your mom you ran into a sprinkler on the way home."

"Wow, that's really smart," he said with excitement in his eyes.

"I'm basically Einstein 2.0," I said sarcastically, and he just giggled.

He has pretty brown eyes.

"Well um... you better get going. I don't want to worry your mom," I said after realizing I was staring at him.

"Oh yeah uh... bye (Y/N)," he said quickly, "and thank you so much for everything."

"You're welcome, anything I can do," I said trying to make it sound like I did heroic things all the time.

He hugged me before leaving. Sir- you got water on me. I didn't mind though.

Hey you cool cats and kittens!
Oh no Carol Baskin is going to sue me.
Did you hear she's bisexual? Or was that just a rumor on TikTok... idek but if she is me📞😘💍✨

I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short I just thought it was a good time to stop it because the next one is going to be so good. We ❤️ charachter development.

Anyways love y'all 🥋

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