Chapter 6

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Yesterday was Saturday also known and mine and Miguel's first day of training. We have more training again today.

The fit because how could I forget it? I wish it was in sage green or yellow but hey I'm not complaining

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The fit because how could I forget it? I wish it was in sage green or yellow but hey I'm not complaining.

Miguel and I walked together again today. He told me his Yaya is feeling better, and about how he's excited for school tomorrow. I hope school is a better experience for him then it is for me. I hate it. I'd hate it if it was bad for him too.

We walked into the dojo and Sensei told us to start cleaning the mats. We did as we were asked.

Sensei left and then came back with some beers in bags, "looking good! Make sure you get both sides. Actually, Miguel let (Y/N) do that, you fix these exposed wires." I'm glad I'm not Miguel, I'd have no clue what I was doing.

"What does any of this have to do with karate Sensei?" Miguel asked as he was confusingly staring at the wires.

Sensei had no hesitation, "Don't question my methods," he popped open a can, "just be thankful you're not a sumo wrestler. Those guys have to wipe their Sensei asses."

"Oh hell no," I stated. He popped his cork across the room. I'm making Miguel get that later. I stood up and walked towards a box of trophies. "So I see you were a champ?" I asked him.

"Uh yeah," he said.

"Wait really Sensei?" Miguel asked completely astonished by the fact that he actually was in the room with a winner.

"You don't have to call me Sensei every time," he said.

"Sorry Sensei," Miguel stuttered, "I- I mean sorry."

Sensei wanted to get back to the topic before, "yeah I won a couple All Valley Tournaments. Didn't lose a single point my junior year!" He said proudly.

"What happened senior year? If- if you don't mind me asking." I question him as his whole demeanor changes.

"This isn't 20 Questions get back to scrubbing," he told me. Yeah he was harsh but I'm glad he treated me the same as Miguel. Well Miguel is a little slower then me so he has to explain things to him more...but you know for the most part.

Miguel phone started to go off. This absolutely horrible song came on. "Where is that garbage coming from?" Sensei asked, and I was wondering why he had that garbage in the first place. It sounds like something you'd hear in justice.

"Hey! Oh yeah, debates running a little late. Okay bye! Love you too!" Miguel talked into his phone.

"Don't tell me you have a girlfriend?" Sensei asked in disbelief. Wait no. He can't.

"No sorry that was my mom," Miguel explained, "I told her I joined the debate team, because she doesn't really approve of violence."

"What about you're dad," Sensei started and I vigorously shook my head no at him trying to get him to stop. "Is he okay with you getting your ass beat up and down Reseda Blv.?"

"Um," Miguel stammered, "I um- I never really knew my dad."

"It's okay Mig! Who needs dads anyways? Mine went to 'go get milk' 6 years ago, and ended up in prison, because he tried to take the cash register along with the milk." I tried to make Miguel laugh. It worked a bit. A simple smile curled on his face.

"Alright well stop standing there, and get back to training," Sensei demanded, "and well you're at it change that ringtone."

"Yes please! I beg of you," I state.

"Yeah what she said, get some guns and roses or something."  He agreed.

"What's guns and roses?" Miguel asked. I- did he really just? Um chile anyways so...

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that!" Sensei and I said at the same time.

"Yeah same," I said while soaking one of my sponges. The I walked over behind him and squeezed it right over his head getting him soaked.

"(Y/NNNN)!!!!" He yelled. Sensei told us to take it outside, so we did. We both soaked each other in buckets of water and were drenched during the walk home. What a great way to end summer.


Painfully short? Yes. But again I think it's a good place to stop. Don't fret thought because the next chapter should be out by sunrise today lol.

If you saw the last book before I edited it, and made it a note in Miguel's door and it was just a message, ignore it. I forgot Johnny didn't have a phone yet.

Love you, you beautiful rat!!


Cobra Kiss (Miguel X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now