Chapter 8

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It was a Monday afternoon. The dead heat of the summer still lingers and LA, while Miguel and I train.

You'll start to notice a subtle change in our fashion as we turn hella badass

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You'll start to notice a subtle change in our fashion as we turn hella badass

"You can't strike first if you don't know how to strike," Sensei said with attitude in his words.

"The cobra strike is composed of two parts," Sensei explained, "the lunch, which require the whole body, and the bite, which is everything that happens after you make contact."

"You don't stop here when the knuckle meets the bone. You punch through the bone like the guy you're really wanting to hit is the guy standing behind this asshole," Sensei demonstrated, "strike here, you boost his nose. Strike here, you break his teeth. Strike here, you could severely damage his trachea. Obviously that's for very extreme situations."

"Fascinating, now my turn?" I ask.

"Love the enthusiasm today Ms. (Y/L/N)," Sensei said, "Miguel line up behind her."

I punched the dummy hard and Sensei just told me to focus. When I finished I let Miguel get in front of me and Sensei had to remind him to punch through the dummy. Sensei walked away as his phone rand and Miguel and I took turn hitting the dummy.

It was Miguel's turn again and he was doing, umm... horrible.

"No, no, no, no," Sensei said walking over to us, "you're doing it all wrong. What? Do you want those kids at school to keep dumping shit on your head? Do you want all the girls to think your a wang-less dork? Because if so you can stop your train right now, and walk outside, and let the whole world know you're a loser."

"I don't think he's a wang-less dork," I tried to defend him.

"You're the only one," Sensei said, "anyways Miguel, you need to plant your feet, look your enemy in the eyes, AND PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!" He yelled the last bit.

Miguel punched hard. He was focused. "Again!" Sensei demanded. Miguel hit again. "Are you a loser?"

"NO SENSAI!" Miguel yelled as he repeatedly hit the dummy in pure anger.

"(Y/N)! Next," Miguel and I traded places. I hit as hard as I could, or at least as hard as I thought I could.

"Remember what I told Mr. Diaz, Imagine your enemy." So I did. The dummy was gone and all that stood in front of me was Sam LaRusso. I hit the dummy square in the nose. "Damn (Y/L/N) who hurt you?"

"Irrelevant," I told him.

After training Miguel and I started to clean more around the dojo. We were sharing a pair of earbuds listening to classic rock. That's when I heard someone come in the dojo.

I took out my earbud, and pretended I needed to ask Sensei something. Miguel followed right behind me. "Hey Sensei bathrooms clean! Anything else you need us to do?" I asked then looked at the man who had walked in.

"I sorry Sensei. Are we interrupting something?" Miguel asked.

"Sensei really?" The man asked, while Sensei and I nodded. Both of us were very prideful. "Oh my god kids. I don't know what he's telling you, but you shouldn't believe a word he says or you're going to end up exactly like him."

Then he pointed to Sensei, "You and I, this, we aren't done."

"I'm right here man," Sensei said while putting his arms out and tilting his head. The other man just scoffed, shrugged it off, and walked out.

"Oh my gosh!" I had an 'Aha Moment' ( Authors Note: My ELA teacher would be proud) "That's Mr. LaRusso! Sams dad! Dude, Sensei, Sam was the one I was imagining earlier while punching."

"Must be like her father," Sendai said obviously still angry Daniel LaRusso came into his dojo.

"Sorry we interrupted," Miguel says after a bit of awkward silence, "want us to do 30 push-ups on our knuckles?"

"Like you could," Sendai laughs it off and walks towards the door, watching Daniel pull out of the parking lot.

Que Cobra Kai music and metal cobra.

Anyways, hey luvs sorry it took me so long to update! Ms. Girl do be failing math class.



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