Chapter 12

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I faded in and o it of consciousness over the next few minutes. Where I was was blurry at first, but eventually I started coming to terms of reality. I figured out I was in the backseat of a car. That's when I recognized the back of the mans head driving the car, and realized it was Sensei. Next to him in the passengers seat was Miguel, he wasn't awake like I was.

"Sensei?" I asked, making sure that he was who I thought he was and not just some stranger.

"Hey kid, how do you feel?" He asked me in a whisper voice, most likely trying not to disturb Miguel.

That's when it hit me, I just had the daylight nocked out of me, literally... "I don't know. Numb."

"That's normal kid. You'll feel it in the morning, you'll have a nice black eye to match the headache," said sensai bluntly.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

We arrived at the complex and Sensei helped me out of the car, then helped Miguel. Miguel was still asleep, so Sensei had to carry him. I held onto his shoulder, because it hurt to walk by myself. When the door opened Miguel's mom was ferrous. I could barley hear what she was saying, she was so mad and scared for Miguel. Miguel's mom blamed Sensei, and told Miguel, "no more karate."

Miguel most have woken up, because he tried to defend Sensei. I don't think it worked, because Miguel's mom forced him out of the house anyways. Poor Sensei, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to help two innocent kids learn to stand up for themselves.

I sat in the armchair, while Miguel laid down on the coach. Miguel's mom asked me if I had anyone at home to help me take care of myself tonight. I explained to her my home situation. His mom offered me to stay the night, and I knew my mom wouldn't notice if I wasn't there, so I took her up in it.

I was more awake and aware. Miguel's mom told me to take some of his pajamas, get a shower, and then I can stay on the coach. I did that, and when I got out of the shower Miguel was already asleep in his bed.

I wore one of Miguel's hoodies and flannel pajama pants. They were huge on me, but quite comfortable. I'll probably take this hoodie.

I laid down on their coach, and his mom brought me some spare blankets from their cupboard.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me that you're taking such good care of me," I thanked her.

"You're very welcome (Y/N). Thank you for being so kind to my baby boy," said Miguel's mom.

"He's a delight to be around," I informed her.

"That's good to hear," she told me.

I suddenly got a shaft pain in my head. The numbness had gone away. I groaned a bit, and Miguel's mom looked at me worriedly.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get you some ice, and medicine."

"Thank you," I told her.

Miguel's mom came back with all these supplies I needed. She was nurturing me in a way my mother has never had the time to.

She put medicine on an open wound on my forehead. I winced in pain, because it stung.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I promise it will help in the long run," she reassured me.

"Does your mother know you are doing karate?" She asked me.

"Um.. no ma'am," I answered truthfully.

"You might want to tell her, before she finds out the way I did with Miggy," said Miguel's Mom. She is a wise woman, and a good role model, so I decided to take her advice. The next time I see my mom, no matter what time, I'm telling her.

"All done," she told me.

"Thank you again," I said.

She just smiled and kissed my forehead, "that's what I'm here for. Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Ms. Carmen."

The next morning I woke up extra late. Thank god it is a Saturday. I sat up and smelled eggs and bacon.

"Good morning sunshine!" Miguel's mom and grandma greeted me.

"Good morning!" I stretched as I spoke.

"Would you like to stay for breakfast?" They asked me.

"Yes please, if you don't mind. I don't want to intrude of course," I said.

"Don't be silly, you're always welcome," said Miguel's mom.

I sat down with Miguel's family. "Where is Miguel?" I asked.

"He's not up yet," Said Ms. Carmen.

"Lazy ass," his grandma quietly spat.

I giggled a little, and then out came Miguel from his room.

"Good morning," his mom said.

"Morning," he groaned, "oh heyyy (Y/N)."

"Hey Mig," I smiled.

"Hurry, you're food is getting cold." His mom warned him.

The rest of breakfast was small talk to me, and Miguel trying to convince his mom to let him do karate. His grandma is on our side of the argument though. She is happy because Miguel has finally found something he likes to do, and if he could have more lessons he could protect himself.

Miguel's mom, on the other hand, thinks that Sensei is a bad influence, and a loser. I understand where she is coming from though because I thought the same thing at first. I just really hope she changes her mind, because if Miguel doesn't do karate, I don't want to either.

The way things are going right now, Cobra Kai doesn't have enough students, Miguel is forbidden, and I don't want to go without him... no more Cobra Kai.

Hey besties,

Please don't hate me...

I know it's been like a month and that's my fault I'm soooo sorry. I've had a really bad past few weeks. I needed time to take care of myself, and I'm super sorry that's not fair to you guys, but heyyy I'm back and it's summer so you'll be seeing a lot more of me :)


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