chapter 3

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Did she believe you?

Thank you again
You literally saved my life

No way
It was just the neighborly thing to do🙃

Well then I'm really glad I'm your neighbor🥰

Did he just send me this 🥰?! Oh my!!! I'm literally never letting this one go.

Miguel's POV

So after I thanked (Y/N) there is somebody else that I need to thank. I finished texting (Y/N) and stood up. Perfect timing. I saw the red car pull up with just the person I was waiting for.

The blonde man stepped out of his car. I walked over to him. "I just wanted to thank you," I said excitedly.

He was in a bad mood again. Apparently time in the local jail didn't do him well. "Well you said it," he said bitterly.

Okay but like I really wanted know what ninja stuff he was doing last night. He started to walk away but I followed him. "So last night, was that taekwondo, or jujitsu, or MMA or, something?"

He didn't even turn around, he just scratched his neck and said "Karate," he paused, "old school karate." Whatever it was it was awesome.

"Do you think you could teach me?" I'd be so badass.

He looked confused, "what?! No." Ugh.

"What? No common! When school starts up again those guys are going to make my life miserable!" I pleaded.

He counter argued, "Thats not my problem." No it's not but he could stop it.

"I-if I just knew a little bit of what you know I would be f-"

He interrupted, "FORGET IT!" .-. he yelled at me. "I don't do karate anymore," he was still yell talking, "alright? Besides I need to find a job."

"Well you can open your own karate school." I really want this.

"It's called a dojo," he looked disappointed that I didn't know what a karate school was called.

"Well, you can open your own dojo," I'm not giving up.

"Look, I'm not getting into this with you. I'm not even sure if I'm aloud to be around kids right now," fair point I guess. "Now you want my advice, stop being so annoying," he paused a little, "maybe you'll stop getting your ass kicked."


"Okay," I said finally giving up. He walked into his apartment, and I walked over to (Y/N)'s.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N)'s POV

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