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Jennie POV

I was looking out the window to see when Kai will finally leave his house so I can make my way down. Just then I saw Lisa walking towards Kai's house.. and out of curiosity I wondered what she was doing there. 

She looked kind of nervous, I saw Kai open the door and say something to her as he rushed out.. why is he leaving her in his house..? My door bell rang as I rushed downstairs. "Hey babe!" he said as I opened the door.. Babe.. something I will never get tired hearing.. 

"Hi babe! where are we going?" I asked as we walked to his car. "It is a secret! One rule is no asking.. I want everything to be perfect" he chuckled. I happily nodded and got in his car. 

As we drove by his house, I saw from the window that Lisa was hugging this blonde girl.. Kai's sister.. and Lisa..? They are.. hanging out...? I turned to Kai and asked "I saw Lisa make her way to your house earlier, what she doing there?" Kai held my hand and kissed it.. "Oh! I asked her to spend time with Rosie since I can't be with her today" he chuckled.. "and don't tell Lisa.. but Rosie has the biggest crush on her.. I hope something comes from it so we can double date!" he said 

"I think you should have told Lisa.. she is the type not to date.. or lead someone on" I said somewhat irritated.. "Babe, they'll be fine.. I am sure Lisa will have fun with her.. and who knows she might actually like her too!" he said

I just smiled and kept quiet the rest of the ride.. but the thought of Lisa dating someone.. shouldn't bother me.. right..? right. 

*At the surprise venue*

"Is this really necessary, Kai? A blind fold??" I asked as he covered my eyes with it.. "Yes babe!! don't worry its not a far walk" he assured me.. 

He finally guided me to a seat, "Okay babe, when I say go, you can remove your blind fold." I nodded.. moments later.. he said "Go!".. just then I took it off and was shocked at what I saw.. we are in a private room in one of the most extravagant restaurants in Korea.. on the wall were pictures of us.. some with Lisa but most of them just us.. it spelled out "Jen, Be My Girl?".. just then.. I hugged him and said "Yes!"

Kai was so happy that he even almost cried.. I was close to doing so myself.. I heard him say "23 will be our day forever!!"..23..23...23??..  Lisa.. how will she feel when she finds out that our friendsary has now become my Monthsary with Kai.. I smiled at Kai and asked him if we could start to order. 

While waiting for the food to come Kai asked me if we could take a picture.. "Babe! Look Rosie and Lisa are having fun on their date, lets take a pic too so I can send it to them!!" he said.. date..? So they went on a date..? I looked at the picture and Lisa looks like she's blushing.. maybe Kai was right.. maybe Lisa could like Rosie.. 

After taking a picture, I thanked Kai for the meal, I asked him if he could take me home because it is getting kinda late.. and I want to call Lisa to tell her about today. 

Kai nodded as he paid for the bill, we walked to the car.. and we drove home. 

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