How is she?

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Jennie POV

I arrived at the cafe early just out of nervousness. I haven't really seen Irene or Seulgi in so long, I guess it is partly my fault.. everything reminded me of Lisa and it hurt. 

A couple moments later, I saw a familiar figure enter the cafe.. "Jennie!!" she said happily as she rushed over to hug me.. "I missed you so much!! But.. I do understand why you stayed away. I am just happy we finally have the time to catch up." she said. 

"I missed you!" I said back, "and.. I am sorry that I kept my distance.. I just needed time to be okay, I know it was all my fault.. but tell me, how are you?? I'm happy you and Seulgi are doing well!" I added.. 

Irene smiled, its like I was watching her reminisce her memories with Seulgi through the years.. she finally spoke..

 "A roller coaster it is with that one, but I love her. Somehow Lisa keeps her tamed throughout our arguments I know she's with someone I trust when she needs her space.. but she always comes home and makes up before we sleep. I guess that's what love is.. fighting and making up, but it's real when you know you will never get tired of the same old routine." she said. 

How I want what they have, and I know I could have had it.. but I was too oblivious.. and more painfully.. I was too late. Trying to keep my okay façade, I asked her something I wanted to since I saw her.. "How's Lisa?" the words finally left my mouth. 

"Lisa..? Oh, I don't think she has changed really, still the same silly person. Her and Rosie still inseparable... but she is well. I guess that's what matters right?" she smiled...

I returned the smile trying my best to hold my tears back.. hearing her say that Lisa is happy still with Rosie only brought back all the pain I had in the beginning. 

"I am glad they are doing well too, she deserves the best, they both do." was all I could say. "Jen.. please come and join our dinner tonight, I know things may still be tough but we all want to be here for you, and I am sure Lisa would love to see you." Irene pleaded

"I don't know, Rene.. I mean believe me when I say I am happy that you are all happy and I miss you all... but a part of me knows that I am still not ready to see her.." I admitted with a gloom in my eyes..

"Why not?" A voice behind me asked.. I know that voice too well... I turned around and there standing before me after the longest time... Lisa.

"Lisa.. H..hi..." was all I could say.. "Why aren't you ready to see me again.. to see us?" she went straight back to her question..

"Excuse me, I will leave you two to talk", Irene stood up and walked over to Seulgi by the exit waving at me. Lisa gave them a nod and then returned her focus on me as she sat down. 

"I don't want to cause any trouble, Lisa." I said, "Then don't, Jennie. It's just dinner.. we all missed you, I know I did." she responded. 

"O..okay.. I'll go." I agreed.. "Great!" she said happily.. "I know Rosie would love to see you! We will pick you up at 7 so you can't back out." She laughed. 

We parted ways soon after that... damn it.. what have I gotten myself into... 

You can do this... right, Jennie? Right! I told myself.. we just have to wait and see til tonight. 

A/N: Sorry for the super duper late update.. but I promise to continue to finish the story, hopefully you're still here reading with me. Belated Happy Jenlisa Day! 

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