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Jennie POV

My eyes opened and I felt like I was living in the best dream.. I realized today I am still alone in my bed.. I never thought it would be so easy to be waking up next to her just like that. I decide to get up and start my day.. I grab my phone and check my messages..

"Good Morning, Jen! - It's Lisa.. I asked siri to text you.. If you aren't Jennie I am sorry. Lol." I couldn't help but smile like an idiot on my phone.. I decided to give her a call to make thing easier. "Hello? who is this?" said the voice I missed so much on the other end of the line.. "It's Jennie.." I laughed.. "You know you can just tell siri to call me right?" I continued.. "you are right and so smart. Hahaha. Anyway can you come over and hang out.. Seulgi and Irene are going to work I don't want to be alone.." she asked..

"Alright I am on my way." I said as I put down the phone.. what does this mean I thought? Maybe last night's dream will come true??.. 

As I arrived, Seulrene had already left.. I walk in and see Lisa on the couch looking at the tv like she is actually watching it.. "Good show?" I asked... "I think so.. I mean the blue figure is hugging the green figure.. so I guess its a good show." she smiled.. 

"So.. what do you want to do today?" I asked.. "Well theres not much we can do.. given my current state." she said with a sad voice.. "So how was your day?" She continued.. "Well. I woke up and went straight here.. its only 10am Lisa.." I told her.. "You right. I forget its morning all I do is not know what time it is.. it all feels like a dream to be honest." - Dream... she wasn't the only one feeling like that.. except she doesn't know that I wish I lived in mine.. "Yeah.. dreams huh.." was all I could say.. "Hmm. when was the last time you really had a good dream?" she asked.. last night.. I thought... "not to long ago.." I said.. "Yeah? what happened?" .. should I tell her?

"Uh.. Jen are you there?" she asked.. Lost in thought contemplating.. I finally told her.. "We ended up together.".. then there was silence after I said that.. "I dream about that all the time.. ever since we were kids.." she chuckled.. "Lisa.. why don't we.. try?" I nervously asked..

She was about to respond.. when there was a knock on the door.. I got up and opened it.. "Hi is Lisa here?" this girl asked.. "Uh yes.. who are you?" I followed.. "Suzy?? is that you?" Lisa asks from the living room.. 

"Come in! Jennie this is Suzy, she is the girl I helped that night." she explained.. "and I owe Lisa my life.. which is why I am not leaving her side." she smiled looking at Lisa...

"Hey, Lis. I think I am guna go, I forgot about some errands." I excused myself.. "Oh... okay." she said.. "Bye Suzy it was nice meeting you." I told her.. "Likewise, and don't worry I will take good care of this baby." she said as she sat next to Lisa..

As I was walking to the door.. Lisa called out to me.. "Jen! Thank you!" she said.. "No worries, Lisa. I will see you soon!" I responded.. "Lets continue our talk soon okay?" she said.. "Okay." I replied and walked out of the house.. 

Jealousy does not sit right with me.. Oh Lisa.. the things you do to me.. 

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