The Last Time

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Jennie POV

A couple weeks have passed and it seems like Lisa and Suzy have been inseparable.. whenever people ask them if they are dating they both just deny it.. Honestly I don't know how to feel. Lisa and I were never able to continue our conversation.. she never brought it up again. Is this her way of saying that what we have is really over?.. I mean at least tell me right?

We are all here currently at Lisa's apartment.. she is finally able to move back and live alone.. her eye sight came back enough for her to see but she has to wear these glasses with a super strong grade.. like her eyes look so small when she puts it on.. we all can't help but laugh.. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ONE SNAPCHAT FILTER THAT KEEPS THE SIZE OF YOUR HEAD BUT SHRINKS YOUR FACE HAHAHAHAH" Seulgi laughed while pointing at Lisa.. "YAH KANG! May I remind you that even looking like this... I am still cute.. and if you wear this.. Irene will leave you in a heartbeat." Lisa said in revenge.. "Damn Lis.. that kinda hurt.." Seulgi said and then began laughing again..

"Guys! the food is ready!" Suzy called us to the dining room.. "Whoa, wuv. this looks so good." Lisa said while smelling the food on the table.. Wuv??... she called her wuv?? they aren't together and they have cute pet names?... 

"All your favorites, Wuv." Suzy said.. I am starting to get uneasy.. starting to shake a bit.. I know I am jealous but more than that I am mad.. I am mad because she never had the guts to tell me what she really thought about our last talk... are we always going to be that book with no final chapter?

I decided to step outside for a bit while the rest of them were still eating.. moments later I heard foot steps behind me... "Jen.." she said.. I turned around and I see her there looking at me with her big ass glasses that made her look like a dork.. I started to chuckle a bit coz she looks so cute.. funny.. but cute..

"Hey Lisa. You done eating?" I asked.. "yeah. but I know you aren't. Why are you out here? Its cold." She worries.. "I just needed some air.. I am glad you are back here now. I am glad you are able to do things on your own." I told her sincerely.. "yeah.. but I still can't drive" she pouts.. "As long as you are here and well. - Thats all that should matter." I smiled..

"So.. I am sorry, Jen.. I am sorry if I never got back to you after what we talked about." she told me.. "Its okay.. I guess I just wasn't expecting that it would be because you are with someone else now." I said holding my tears back.. "Who? Suzy?.. we are just friends. I love her and all but not that way." Lisa said.. "But you call each other Wuv.." I immediately felt embarrassed after I said that.. "but that doesn't mean we are together." Lisa responded... 

"Does she like you?" I asked.. ".. Yes.." she admits.. "Do you see yourself liking her back?" I asked.. "You know I love you, Jen. Only you. But right now.. I want to focus on myself and getting better so when the time comes.. I can take care of you fully. Suzy is just my friend.. and she knows that." she replied.. "What about the kiss?" I asked her and her eyes opened wider.. " saw?" she asked.. 

Flashback -Jennie POV

As I left Seulrene's house after Suzy arrived I realized that I forgot my jacket inside.. the moment I stepped in.. I saw them.. they were kissing.. and what hurt more was the fact that moments ago I told her I loved her.. and all along.. she was with someone else. At that point I didn't bother.. I just went back out.. got in my car and drove away in tears. 


" saw?" she asked.. "Yes.. I saw it.. and you wouldn't kiss her back if you didn't like her Lisa.." I told her.. "Jen.." was all she could say.. "Look, I am okay that we are friends.. I am okay that you are with her.. I just wish you were honest with me, Lisa." I said as I was walking away.. "I'm sorry.. I admit.. I was overwhelmed with the kiss.. I admit I was confused for a time of how I felt.. but she isn't you Jen.. I hope one day you will believe that the kiss was a one time thing and as selfish and stupid as it sounds, it only made me realize how much more I loved you than I thought." she said with tears in her eyes.. 

"Maybe you are right, Lis. Maybe right now still isn't our time. I believe you, but maybe we both need time apart." I suggested.. "Again? every time we see each other again.. we always have to follow it by being apart.. every time we are apart it gets harder.. and every time we see each other it also gets harder because I know you will want to be apart. Jen.. I can't do this anymore.. I wanted to work on myself for you, with you still being around as my friend until we can finally try being more. - but if you have to suggest that we need space.. then fine.. take it.. for the last time take it. - Please don't tell me you love me again next time you see me. Let's just move on." She walks fast back into the house enters her room and locks it. "Lis..." I say under my breath..

"What happened?" Jisoo asks? followed by Kai and Seulgi.. "I think I ended our chapter." was all I said as I got into my car and drove off..

Never have I regretted anything more that what I've done.. until now.. She just wanted me there to be by her side while she was healing.. and all I did was push her away.. I'm sorry Lisa.. I hope one day.. we can reopen our book and I swear I won't let you go anymore, but if not.. I know I will live with losing my greatest love forever. 

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