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Jennie POV

As I walked into her room everyone was around her and they all looked back at me.. "W..why.. is everyone quiet?... Is she here?.. Jen?" Lisa reached her hands out for me.. I started to cry so hard.. seeing her like this killed me. "Jen is that you?" she repeated..

"Yes, Lisa.. I am here." I said struggling to speak.. "Guys.. can you please leave us be for a while?" she asked the group.. and they all made their way out.. "Where are you, Jennie?" Lisa asked.. "I am right here.. next to you." I said.. "Can you hold my hand?" she request.. I immediately held her hand.. she started to caress it.. "Are you okay?" she asked me.. "Me? Lisa are YOU okay?" I started crying harder.. "Shh.. shh. Look.. I am talking to you.. I am alive.. I will live.. I know we don't know if I will be able to see again but at least we know I am still here right?" She smiled.. 

I covered my mouth so she wouldn't hear more of my cries.. "I'm sorry, Lisa.." I said.. "for what?" she asked in confusion.. "For leaving our last conversation about me being happy in your face.." I said with sadness... "Jennie the only thing that keeps me going right now is knowing that one of the last things I saw before going blind was you being happy, don't ever apologize for that." She responded with a tear in her eye.. I couldn't get myself to respond.. out of no where my phone started to ring.. it was V.. 

"Is that him? you should take it. Go on.. I will be okay.. thank you for stopping to check on me." she insisted.. "I will come back later, okay?" I assured her.. she just smiled and closed her eyes. 

As I exited Lisa's room I picked up my phone.. "Babe?? Is she okay? Where are you? do you want me to go there?" he asked.. "No need, Babe. I am about to head home and will just visit her maybe tonight.. she is okay.. they just don't know if she will be able to see again." I replied.. "Do you want me to go with you?" he offered.. "No. I think it's best if it will just be me... I hope that's okay with you.." I asked.. I know it was unfair of me to ask that of him.. but I just wanted Lisa to get better and I didn't want to rub my relationship in her face anymore.. "Sure, babe. Just message me if you need anything." he said.. 

Later that night, I went back to the hospital.. and I heard the most angelic voice ever.. it was Lisa's.. I peaked inside her room and she was just laying in bed singing while randomly gazing around the room.. and it hurt me because I know she couldn't see anything.. but there she was.. singing my favorite song.. the song she used to sing to me.. Like we used to by a rocket to the moon.. I started to cry again.. and she heard me.. "Who's there? Irene? Seulgi?- whoever you are.. I am hungry." She pouted... such a cutie.. I smiled and approached her.. "What do you want to eat?"I asked.. "Jennie?? - its late why are you here? Where is Seulgi??" she asked sounding worried about me.. 

"I told them to go home and rest, and get cleaned up.. they will be back tomorrow." I answered.. "Oh.. okay.. I think I will be okay.. they said I can just press this button if I need help" she held a red button on a cord on her bed.. "No no. I will stay here tonight." I told her.. "No, Jen.. go home. You need to rest.. V might worry about you." she claimed.. "He knows I am here, He understands." I assured her.. "Why are you doing this for me? After what I did to you.. I don't deserve you, Jen." she said.. "Because Lisa.. your decision never made you a bad person even if it hurt me." I responded.

"Now what do you want to eat?" I repeated.. "Some cheese pizza." she smiled like a little girl.. "Copy. I will be back. Stay put." I demanded.. "Where will I go? I can't see anything.. HAHAHA" she laughed.. "Not funny Lisa!" I yelled.. "Ok ok sorry, yes I will stay right here." She said..

After helping her eat I went to prepare her clothes.. "Lisa where are your clothes?" I asked.. "Oh uhm.. I asked Seulgi to wash them.. they should be somewhere here.." she answered.. I saw her belongings near the side table and I remembered the picture in her wallet.. "Lisa.. I have a question" I asked as I was bringing her clothes out.. "Hmm?" - "Why is our picture still in your wallet?" I said.. "Uh.. oh that.. Uhm.. I don't know.. I never really thought about removing it.. I guess I didn't want to.." she said.. "I just don't want people to get the wrong impression of us." I sadly said. "Bring it to me.. can you put it in my hand.." she asked... so I did just that.. she held it like she could see it and smiled... then she reached it out to me.. "Okay, Jennie. You can take it.. get rid of it if you like.. whatever would be easier for you. Here you go." she said.. 

I started to tear up.. she is such a good person.. she probably is just doing this for me.. "Lisa.. you don't have to... you can keep it.." I said.. "No no. You are right, I don't want people to get the wrong idea. I just kept it so long because it was all I had left of us.. but I am okay now.. I don't think I'll be able to see it anymore anyway.. I will always remember it here though.." she pointed to her heart.. 

I took the picture from her and put it back in her wallet.. she won't know I did that anyway.. and maybe one day she will.. I hope one day she will regain her vision. 

"Hey, Jen.. can I say something.." she asked.. "Sure, Lisa." I said.. "I think even when I am blind like this, it still is more unfair for you.." she said to me.. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.. "Because you saw me walk away.. and I can't see you do the same... I'm sorry. - But I guess it hurts just the same." she replied..

"Goodnight, Jen." she said as she closed her eyes.. "Goodnight, Lisa." I responded.. 

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