Things Change

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Jennie POV

I had arrived home after spending the day with Kai. It's about 10:30pm and I figured to give Lisa a call. 

*Ring*.. no answer.. Maybe she fell asleep or doesn't have her phone on her I thought. I decided to leave her a text instead.. "Hey Lili! Sorry we couldn't spend the day together, I missed you! Call me when you can, I have something to tell you!" -Sent-

After sending her a message I decided to browse through instagram.. when I noticed that Lisa had recently posted a picture of her and Rosie.. the caption said "Looks like we aren't going home tonight!" and thats when I flipped. 

Why wouldn't she call? or even reply to my text? How hard is it to update your best friend.. the frustration got to me so I decided to give Kai a call.. 

"Hey babe! whatsup?" he said on the other line.. "Nothing.. I am just kinda bored. I wanted to call Lisa and tell her about our day but it seems like she is still out with your sister.." I said.. "Oh! yeah, Rosie texted me saying they might be home tomorrow morning coz they decided to go to Busan. I am so happy that they are getting along. I can't wait to introduce you to her too!" he said.. Just then Lisa I saw Lisa calling me.. "Babe! this is Lisa on the other line I'll talk to you tomorrow." and I hung up right away.

"Jennie! Hey sorry I missed your call!".. Jennie.. ? what happened to Nini... anyway.. I sighed and said "Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming home til tomorrow..?"...."Sorry we just wanted to be spontaneous.. I am really liking spending time with Rosie.. she is so much fun!"..does she not have fun with me..? 

"Oh.. okay. Well I just wanted to tell you that.." she interrupted me.. "Oh! Rosie told me you said yes to being Kai's girlfriend! Congrats, Nini! I am so happy you are finally with the person you have always wanted to be with!" she said.. but I think I heard her voice crack a little bit.. is she really okay with this? "Yeah, thats what I wanted to tell you! I am happy!.. but I wish he didn't ask me on the 23rd because that's our day." I responded

"Oh right. Well things change, Jen.. I completely understand.. you should enjoy the 23rd with Kai now, you both deserve it! We can always have fun and look forward to different days."... but I don't want our day to go away.. why do I feel this way..why does she sound okay.. 

"Anyway, I need to go, my phone can die anytime soon! But I have a lot to tell you too! Let's meet up tomorrow okay?" Lisa said as she hung up.. she didn't even say goodnight..

Lisa POV

After I spoke to Jennie, I walked back to Rosie who was talking to the receptionist of the hotel we were staying in here at Busan. 

"One room with 2 beds please" Rosie told the girl. "Sure thing let me get you all checked in" the girl responded as she prepared our room reservation. 

"Lisa! we were able to get a room tonight! this is so exciting, I never really got to do something so spontaneous before! thank you for agreeing!" she said happily.. I nodded my head and smiled.. there is something about Rosie that wanted me to know her more.. am I.. catching feelings?..what about Jennie.. what about my feelings for her.. what even are they..? I shook my head as I took the key cards from the receptionist.. 

Jennie is just my best friend.. she is Kai's girlfriend and 23 is their day now.. whatever I am feeling.. it will pass. I look forward to spending more time with Rosie. 

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