Past vs Present

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Lisa POV

All I could feel in that moment was that my heart was beating super fast. Jennie had just confessed her feelings for me.. she wanted to know if I loved her too. I have always loved her.. but it was more complicated. I couldn't just drop everything.. hurt Rosie, or Kai, just because she loves me. 

It was clear to me when I saw the look on Rosie's face.. it was clear to me that even if I love Jennie.. those feelings were in the past. Rosie is my present, and I am so in love with her. I don't want to lose her. 

I want to make this right so I thought to take her away from here and be honest about everything, especially what happened that night I took Jennie home. 

After I parked, she opened the car door right way and stepped out, so I immediately followed her outside.

"Rosie, please hear me out." I plead.. "You have 5 minutes, Lisa. Make the most of it." she responded. "I want to tell you everything. I don't want to keep anything from you." I said, "So you still love her? is this where you wanted to end things? That's why you brought me here?" she started to cry

"No. No. I don't want to end things with you. I want to be with you." I assured her.. "Really? didn't sound like it back there." she was angry now.. "Jennie kissed me the night she was drunk. She said she loved me. I asked her when she sobered up if it was true, she said no. I was hurt, I walked out of there and asked for space." I explained.. Rosie began to cry.. I hurt her by keeping this from her.. stupid Lisa..

I continued "I am not going to lie, had she told me that she really felt that way. I would have wanted to see where it went.. but from that time I have accepted that we are always just going to be friends. I fell in love with you, not to get over her, but you are the first girl who saw me for me, and not as someone in the blurred background focusing on someone else. I have learned to fall for you, hard. If you ask me never to speak or see her again. I will do it. Just please.. please Rosie, don't leave me." I started to cry, I was so scared to lose her. 

She was quiet.. it looked like she was contemplating.. oh God... she's going to leave me I thought.. then she finally said something.. "So now she knows that she loves you?" she asked, I nodded. "Lisa, if there is any chance you would rather be with her, I will let you go.".. she said.. but this time calmly..

"No, I want to be with you. When you heard me say I still loved her.. I wasn't able to continue because I saw you run.. I was going to tell her that I still loved her.. but not in the way I used to. It's you Rosie. Don't leave me, please." I began to cry and cry and cry.. I couldn't even breathe anymore.. 

She pulled me close.. and hugged me tightly, "I won't leave you, love. Thank you for being honest. We will get through days like this." she assured me, and just like that.. we sealed it with a kiss. 

I love this girl. 

Jennie POV

I have tried to call Lisa over and over again but she hasn't been answering me. I need her to know how I felt, how dumb I am for not seeing it before. I know I am being selfish but I need her to tell that I love her even if she doesn't choose me. 

Kai kept calling me, but I didn't bother picking up.. I know I am such a bad person but I don't want to talk to anyone else but her right now. Only Lisa. 

Finally, I saw her name pop up on my phone... she had sent me a text saying "Jennie meet me at the park. Let's talk." right after that I didn't bother to respond, I grabbed my things and ran to the park, that's when I saw her sitting on the swing by herself. I walked towards her..

"Hey Jen, thanks for coming.." she said as she gestured me to sit on the swing beside her. "Hey, Lisa.. I am so sorr-" and she cut me in the middle of my sentence.. "I can't see you anymore Jennie.." she said with sadness written all over her eyes..

"Lisa.. please don't do this. I am sorry.. I promise I will keep my feelings to myself and I will apologize to Ro--" she hugged me "I am sorry, Jennie. I love you so much.. but not the way you want me to. I need to do this for Rosie, me,.. and you."

and just like that she kissed me on the forehead and walked away.. and I thought to myself.. this is it.. this is what a real broken heart feels like.. 

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