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Lisa POV

Life can never be so easy, I just wanted all this to end.. I wanted to be with Jennie.. but that night.. when I dropped her off in her room.. I heard crying.. not the kind of crying a normal heartbreak would sound like.. this one felt like someone lost something.. 

I followed the crying, the whaling... I wasn't even sure if I was hearing it correctly.. I noticed it was on the way to my room.. and there she was.. Rosie.. crying.. outside my door... with blood on her hands..

"Rosie!!" I ran to her my heart beating so fast not knowing if she was hurt or someone was.. "What's wrong?? what happened??" I pleaded for her to answer me.. "Li..lisa" was all she said as she kept crying.. I brought her inside the room and gave her water.. I waited for her to calm down.. 

She finally spoke.. "Lisa.. I think I lost it.. I lost the baby." she cried.. "The baby?.. what baby?".. I frantically asked.. she looked at me with the sadness in her eyes.. "I was pregnant.."... I interrupted her.. "H...ow?" then I realized.. the night she made a mistake.. left her with child. 

I immediately took her to the hospital that night.. after what felt like a life time.. the doctor finally came out of her room.. "Is she okay?" I asked.. the doctor looked at me and smiled "Yes, she will be fine. So will the baby.- She had a false miscarriage." he responded. 

I went straight into her room to check up on her.. "Rosie.. you're okay.. the baby is okay.." I said while hugging her.. "Lisa I am so sorry. You don't have to stay.. I will raise the baby alone, this doesn't have to mess up your life." she said.. "No.. I will stay Rosie. I will stay with you and we will raise this baby together." I kissed her on the forehead. 

The next day I told Rosie to stay in the hospital as I go back to the hotel and check out and explain to the group that we will be leaving a little earlier.

The moment I stepped into my hotel room I remember the short lived memories Jennie and I had in here.. I began to cry.. this isn't fair to her.. but I hope she will understand.. I picked up a pen and paper and wrote her a letter.. I was heading to the lobby when I bumped into Seulgi and told her Rosie and I had to head back early and to give Jennie my letter. 

I checked out.. not just from the hotel.. but from everything that could have been with Jennie. 

When we got home.. I had a billion messages from Jennie.. I know why she would be mad.. I would be too.. I put my phone away because I did not want to keep thinking about it. 

Jennie POV

I am here pacing back and forth.. not knowing what to expect.. what she is going to say or what her reason is. Any moment now my doorbell will ring and I will either be broken.. or... broken..


I made my way to the door, as I opened it.. I was surprised with who I saw.. "Jisoo..?" - "Hey Jen.." she greeted.. "What are you doing here?" I asked.. "Lisa sent me here to tell you why things had to be this way." She replied.. "No Jisoo. I want everything to come from her.. Why is she such a coward????!!!" I began to cry

"Jen.. I am sorry.. I am sorry but I hope after what I tell you.. it will ease you even just a little bit.." Jisoo said as she hugged me tightly.. "Rosie is pregnant.. Lisa bumped into her on her way back to her room last night.. Rosie was a mess crying because she started to bleed she thought she lost the baby so Lisa took her to the hospital and it was a false miscarriage, they mentioned that it could happen again if Rosie was under a state of too much emotion.. like a heartbreak.. Lisa didn't want it to happen again.. she knew if she left her.. it could.. so she decided to stay.." She explained

"She couldn't have told me this herself?" I asked in anger and in shock.. "No.. if Rosie found out she went to see you it might heighten her emotions.. and she said that if she did.. she may not want to leave you anymore.. she said this was for to the best." she stated.. "For the best my ass.. I am done with Lisa.. Jisoo I don't want to be in this position anymore.. I am giving her what she wants." I said crying and accepting what it was.. 

"I am sorry Jen.. but please know that I am here for you.. if you need a shoulder to cry on.. or if you need someone to make you laugh.." I will be right here. 

I smiled and hugged her.. I guess this is it.. this is really it.. Goodbye, Lisa. 

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