A Realization

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Jennie POV

It has been over 6 months that Kai and I have officially been together. These 6 months have taught me so much. For starters, I really need to be a patient girlfriend. Kai and Lisa are on a dance team which has them stay in school late for practice. Sometimes I get lonely and keep texting him.. its not my fault if I miss my boyfriend.. just like today.. I am waiting by the bleachers for them to finish their last rehearsal for next week's competition. 

A couple minutes later, someone sits next to me. "Hey Jennie!".. its Jisoo, one of our close friends. "Hey Chu! What are you doing here??" I said back. "Oh nothing, Lisa invited me to have dinner with her and Rosie later. Are you and Kai going??" she replied. 

Rosie.. and Lisa... my stomach starts to get upset just thinking about it.. Lisa and I haven't hung out alone in so long. She is dating Rosie now too. 

*Flashback  to  the morning after Busan*

Lisa POV

I made my way to Jennie's house as soon as we got back, I could tell that she wanted to spend some time with me last night. I wanted to make it up to her so I brought her, her favorite milk ice cream. 

I rang the door bell and her mom answered the door "Lisa, honey! How are you! I thought it was Kai coz he comes over every morning! But go on up she is upstairs." I thanked her and made my way up to Jennie's room. 

I opened the door (I don't usually knock cause we got used to each other coming and going whenever).. I jumped on her while she was asleep on her bed. 

"arghh.. Im still sleepy babe."..babe..? she thinks Im Kai LMAO. So I played along.. and I hugged her from behind not saying anything.. "This is nice. It feels different.. safer." she said.. I slowly removed my hand.. and she turned around to realize it was me.. she sat up right away "LISA!?"... "surprise" I smiled. 

"What are you doing here? It's so early!".. she said.. "Well I told you I would come over first thing in the morning didn't I? and here Ice cream!" I handed it to her. 

After eating breakfast that her mom made for us we went back to her room. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked.. and for some reason.. I was nervous to even tell her. 

"Well.. I met Rosie yesterday.. and we had a great time!! We spent the whole day.. and night together.".. she gave me a weird look after I said that but I continued anyway. "I don't know.. everything feels so easy around her.. Like I can breathe.. or I can be smiling the whole time and not even know.. but.. last night.. after dinner we had a long talk.. about our goals and dreams and where we see ourselves in the future.".... Jennie was just looking at me the whole time I was talking.. so again.. I continued. 

"Before we slept.. she told me that she has always had a crush on me.."... Jennie sat up straight from the bed frame she was leaning against.. "Oh.. oh no.. was she okay when you told her that you aren't looking to date right now?" Jennie asked.. "Actually, we kissed.. and I feel like this could really go somewhere great. She is moving here to finish her schooling, her mom thinks its only right that she gets to know Kai too." 

"Y..you kissed her?" it seemed like that was the only thing she heard me say.. "Yeah I did. I am going to see her again tonight for our first official date!".. she smiled at me and said she needed to get ready to go out with Kai.. so I hugged her and I left. 

I guess somehow.. 23 still is a good day for both of us huh.. I thought to myself. 

*Present Day*

Jennie POV

It took me a while to get used to Lisa giving her attention to someone else.. but Rosie is wonderful.. if she would be with anyone Rosie would be perfect for her. I am happy for my best friend.. at least thats what I tell myself. 

"Earth to Jennie..?" Jisoo called to me.. "Oh sorry! I uh.. I think Kai and I have plans today. But I'll ask him!" I replied. 

Just then the team was dismissed.. I couldn't help but look at Lisa as she made her way out of the gym with Kai and the rest of them.. and I think.. that's when I knew.. 

That my heart may be beating for someone else. 

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