Chapter 14

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((Don't hate me but I'm going to say they are home for about 5 months before the Victory Tour and their first interview in a while. Since I haven't read all of Catching fire yet. And the movie they look like they come home around late summer or early fall. So it takes 5 months for it to become winter. Which in their first interview (in a while) with Caesar it is winter😅 sorry for my stupidity.)) So I can either say it's December or January. Even though it kinda makes sense for it to be January but whatever Xp

Also we will get more Katniss pov because CF peeta is hot asf. (Not that HG or MJ peeta are bad but CF is what takes it for me) just they both are so beautiful in CF❤💙 I mean they are always beautiful ofc but.. just CF tho😆

Song - Remembering Sunday by All Time Low. (I fuckin love All time low)

(A bunch of warnings from the 1st chapter if you are still reading and don't like it, then idk what to tell ya)

I never make it up to my bed that night, instead I slept on the couch.

In the morning, I'm woken up by Delly walking into my home. I must have left the door unlocked when I was waiting for my father.

She looks at me, her eyes wide. "Oh my God... Peeta" she gasps. I watch as her light blue eyes fill with tears, her eyes dart to the trail of blood in kitchen then up the stairs. My eyes widen. "I dropped um.. a plate and I accidentally cut myself on it, Dells. It's fine. I just forgot to clean up the blood."

She looks at me, her eyes wide in horror. "Show me your hand then." She doesn't believe me.

I look down and show her my bandaged hand. She unwraps it and gently touches over the cut I made with the knife. "You swear this was a glass piece?" She asks softly.

I nod. "It was a glass piece, Delly. I wouldn't lie to you." I lie. Why can't I tell her?

But here I am. Lying to my long time best friend and practically sister.

My mind flashes to when we were five. Playing with bread dough that my Dad dropped on the floor. I remember we made little shapes just for fun. Right when she left though, my Mother hit me in the back of the head and screamed at me for wasting dough. It wasn't my fault. But I took the blame for my Dad. Not wanting him to get in trouble. My little mind thought. But we are never free from her loving touch.

I remember when we were twelve. Delly and I were walking home from school. She was telling me about her day and I was content on listening to her. To show her I care.
I showed her my painting of a sunset. It's the first painting I've been able to show anyone. Ever. Since my loving Mother throws them away any time she finds them and tells me only pansies paint and draw.

Delly smiles at me. "It's beautiful, Peeta." Her eyes looking at me with something I've never seen before. But now know as love and adoration.

Her cheeks are flustered as she looks down, fiddling with her fingers. I remember looking at her so confused. But once we make it to her house. She kissed me on the lips right on the steps of her house. She was my first kiss. I remember how wide my eyes were. I remember pulling away and feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

But I didn't want to play with her feelings when my heart belonged to a girl that I knew I'd never be with. Maybe under different circumstances, we'd be together but this isn't it.

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