Chapter one

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Peter (POV)
     Life isn't the same no more after Tony took me to go fight with him in Leipzig, is it weird that I felt some thing was odd during the fight or was it just me probably just me. My usual schedule would be wake up eat breakfast, go to school get verbally abuse by flash him getting told off by Mj hang out with Ned and Mj, then go out for patrol until I feel like doing homework then go out without may noticing but thing changed now I'm Mr. Stark personal intern that where I'm currently doing. I have to tell Mr. Stark that if it's okay if stay for a couple day more like a month at the tower ( yes he did bought back the tower after the whole vulture situation) " Hey Mr. Stark is it okay if I could stay a bit here, more like a while since May is gonna be gone for a month it's for work, it's a promotion she got?"

Tony's POV
I was not paying any attention to what we are currently working on at all, but since the kid is really smart like his iq rivals with mine and Bruce and he only 15 years old imagine what it would be like when he grow up but back to my point I'm currently working a way for the rogue to come back even though what Steve did to me was bad but I called and wanted to make a mends with him, shit happens and soon we talk mano to Mano, hero to heroit was like therapy in a way. After of a week of me debating on wether I should call him or not I did eventually after some persuading from Pepper and Happy, and the kid I agreed ever since that day I've been working on a pardon until we found out that Ross is Hydra which in retrospect kinda saw that coming. Once I told Steve that, we made a plan to take him down get them their pardon which we did with Step one which was to take down Ross, but the second part is a bit complicated but something took me out of my trance which was the kid repeatedly saying "Mr. Stark, Mr. STARK, MR.STARK" I immediately look to the kid and said "Come again kid, sorry I was thinking " Peter sigh probably knowing why at this point " Is about the pardon you've been working on?" He said in more of a statement then a question. All I did was nod at his question then he repeated himself and said "As I was saying do you mind if I crash here for a month?" Secretly I'm all excited me and Pep love the kid like if he was are own even Happy likes the kid even though he would never admit to it same with Rhodes "Sure no problemo kid, alright I think we should call quit right now before I forget to complete the rogues pardon, and you my friend should go on patrol early because why not before you ask." I say to Peter he the nods in agreement before he goes he says" yeah alright Mr.Stark I'm a patrol early head to bed early so I can spend some time with May before she leave tomorrow"
"Alright skidaddle before I reactivate the baby protocol in your suit again" I joked around
"Ok Friday open the window in my room" Peter says before he leave to his room.
3rd POV
Nothing but Silence from the rogue Avengers, until Steve broke the peace saying "Alright, I just got word that Tony just found an exploit in the accords that can possibly get us back to our regular life"
Bucky immediately replies " When can we come back" " I don't know I haven't heard from Tony yet he told me last night " Steve said as on cue Tony was calling Steve on the same phone he gave when they went to hiding
He answer " Steve buddy, buddy old-"
"What did you do Tony" Nat said with an annoyed tone in her voice
"Good new or bad new which one first" Tony said in deadpanned tone.
They all sighed "What's the good news?"
"Well what if I said you guys can come to the tower in 3 day on Sunday to be exact or more precise at 12 at the dot hmm?"
Natasha POV
"Spill now" I said in a serious voice
"Geez ok man so much for building-"

"Stark" at this point I took the phone from Steve hand.
"Ugh yes I got the pardon but I don't want you guys to be under government watch unless you want to of course which would save me time and effort at this point" he said in his usual voice
" Okay then what the bad new" Sam had just came next to me
"Well your kind of stuck in the tower, and you guys may or may not have lower access to the tower who knows"

"Stark" I said sharply.
"Look it the best me and Pep can come up with so it's a take it or leave it offer sorry "
"Can you do something about it?" Sam asked

"Yeah I just need more time since now you guys can be in the tower this will be more easy since now I have a better way to communicate with you guys which mean you guys can help, shit I have to go remember Sunday 12 on the dot no early or late" Stark joke as he ended the call.

Even though I switched side I explained to Tony why I did he surprisingly understood and we are still really good friend and thankfully he took what I said about his ego and we are still the somewhat the same dysfunctional family we once were. This is all I have left expect for one person ( ps I'm not gonna right anything in Russian because I feel like I would offend people so to make life easier italics will be Russian speaking Peter also know Russian) Peter Benjamin Romanoff

Flashback Nat POV
The red room has been shut down I still have my baby with me but the man that saved Clint I believe he is called saved me and my child and now is offering a job more like offering me to be a shield agent the good people who trained but for the purpose to help other well that how I see it and I take him on the offer but if I do I have to lose connection with Peter because doing this will make enemy then after hearing some voice in a lab a couple were looking into retirement and were wondering how they would have a baby after failing multiple after some debate they saw me and all I said was to please protect and love him to the end telling the my situation, and also me believing I don't deserve something as precious as Peter they were trying to talk me out of it but the guilt of what I did for all those years I feel like I have to repay the world in some shape or form. After one last goodbye kiss on his forehead I let him go to the Parker or we'll know Richard Parker and Mary Parker former shield agent.
Present Nat POV
After having that memory replay in my head I hit the hey and called it a day not before shedding a little tear especially after not once going back and checking up on him. Even when Richard and Mary died I didn't check on him to see if he was okay or heck to see who his new guardian were all I hope is that he is living a normal life

Peter POV
Meanwhile Peter's life is the exact opposite of normal ever since the bite, and the death that made him basically the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man vigilante as some people would say. He just stop 4 robberies one that ended being a car chase, 20 mugging, stop some car crash, and 6 car jacks, I alway wondered where these people come from like there can't be that many horrible people in New York right "HELPPPP" I stand corrected. Let see 3 guys trying to steal a purse cliche I sighed annoyed mentally, I shot webs at all of them and yanked them to the floor since I'm feeling kind I just save the beating and web them up immediately, I saw the purse and gave to the woman " Here you go Ma'am"

"Thank Spidey erhh does that work I mean-" she start talking probably thinking I found that offensive
"No miss Spidey works especially when I'm being called a menace most of the time just remember I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" as I say that I salute and swing off to the apartment I'm living at enter through my window and go to bed immediately since Im alway tired from the day of the internship and Spidermanning.

Tony POV
   In the corner of my eyes I see Pepper staring at me and I knew what going so I say the one thing that might contain her from giving me another lecture

"Hey Pep is alright Petey can stay for a month starting tomorrow afternoon" I say hoping that it would take her out of yelling at me for staying at the lab for too long
" Tony, ... OF COURSE he can stay he like our own but you know"she say sighing near the end

" Actually maybe we can ask May to split guardianship over Peter 50-50 you know because even though we're nervous to say that to him personally" I say in a hopeful statement

"Maybe like what he doesn't think of like that you know what he doesn't want to replace his real parents" she says

"True maybe we can use this month to like I don't know build our relationship with him even more come on how hard is it to take car of a spider baby"

"Alright let talk about you being in this lab for to long huh" she in a very serious tone I cursed mentally as she start giving me that same painfully boring lecture not for me to learn she says so I can get tired enough to go to sleep once and for all after the long lecture we called it a day and went to sleep peacefully hopefully.

Alright that all for now folk I don't know what my schedule will be but hopefully it would like 2-3 time a day if I'm a feeling like next week is February vacation so you might get 3 chapter if I don't be myself, please leave feedback if your going to say if it's dog shit tell me and if you say it's but could bet better tell me any feedback is necessary btw Peter doesn't know he's a Romanoff yet.

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