Chapter eleven

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No one POV

     Natasha was done making whatever she was making, Peter kept staring at it trying to see if his senses deems it good enough to eat, "I didn't poisons it you know." She banters with him which brought out a chuckle from him.

"Yeah sorry about that, what is it by the way?" Peter questions Natasha.

"Find out for yourself." Peter laugh at that which bring a warm smile to her face. He takes a bite out of her dish, and was shocked how good this was, and even the fact that the Black Widow did this for him he finished his meal in seconds, leaving Natasha stunned for a second.

"Wow someone a fast eater." Peter blushes from embarrassment. "Yeah sorry about that it's just my Aunt May can't really cook that well and we usually eat takes out so having someone who can cook is nice for a change." Which bring extreme happiness in Natasha heart.

"Doesn't Pepper cook when your here?" She say with venom.

"Yeah but like other than her you know." He explains to her with fear, she soon realizes why he a bit spooked she frowns a little seeing him scared is both sad and adorable.

"How are things at school kid?" 'Ugh I hate saying that I just want to son or better yet any nicknames' I say in my head.

"Boring if it wasn't for my friends well I mean only two, but still I would be in college right now." Peter say with a bit of hate.

"Why what's wrong with school right now?" Natasha ask in concern with his sudden change of mood.

"It just this kid has something against me, like he just makes life difficult like seriously I do nothing at all and he makes his soul purpose to just bring me down especially when it was announced that I got an internship here he refuses to believe that even though the principal herself confirmed it was real." He end his little rant.

"Is it the same kid that was chasing you from that day?" Who ever this kid is about to feel a whole new level of pain and fear Nat rant in her head.

"Yeah" Peter sighs. "Why can't you report him again?" Natasha ask to make sure it's still the same reason from last time.

"His parents donates a lot of money to the school so he got in with no problem and get away with anything even if the teacher catch him bullying me or my other friend they reluctantly look away and apologize to me and Ned which is one of my friend."
Peter explains in more detail.

"So why don't you tell Stark to you know ruin his career?" 'Yeah why hasn't Stark done anything to stop this' Nat thought to herself.

"Well I kind of lied back there, he did found out when I came in with a black eye yeah him and Miss Potts wanted destroy that guys as well but I stopped them." Peter explain leaving Natasha dumbfounded at his decision.

"Why don't you want the them to interfere?" Natasha question heavily.

"Well if I do that he will leave the school go to another and terrorized another kid who possibly can't take handle it, and it might lead to you know." Peter did some hanging signals to be more clear about this.

"Still isn't right though."  Natasha says with a bit of anger in her voice.

"I can handle it Miss Romanoff, it's just some other people might not be able to so I take one for the little guys." Peter regret saying that but Natasha is to proud at her son unselfish act to even notice.

"Well I have to go now Miss Romanoff I'll see you later." Peter wave at her but quickly muster up something.

"WAIT Kiddo." Peter turn looking at her confusingly even if he was actually running late to school.

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