Chapter three

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Tony's POV

    "TONY!" Pepper yells across the room to get my attention.
"Hmm" I was busy working on another Iron man suit to even acknowledged her anyway this equation I'm doing is a bit complicated than the other but it's just a matter of time when I solve or when the kid comes and solve it in seconds, that's what usually happen and it's alway mind blowing to me I just-

"TONY" she yells at me again this time it brings me back to reality

"Huh yes dear" I try to sound innocently
"Come on you've been in this lab since yesterday morning and now it's about to be late night and not only that but the kid is coming here as well" she says while glaring at me

"Ugh finee I might as well so what was the other reason you want me out of the lab" I question

"You know me so well but so little I want you to do paperwork that you've been delay no argument, byeee" she say while leaving and grinning at the pain of boredom I'm about to feel, and the worst part is she didn't even let me saying anything back she just straight out left, man rude people these day I keep ranting until I reach the stack paper on the table and I immediately regret living at all, might as well get started with my demise.

Time skip 2 hour later (still Tony POV)
I'm so tired of doing this man I told him to come afternoon not later or maybe I did I hope I didn't, sometimes I hate that kid as on cue I get the notification that I've been waiting

"Sir Peter has arrived and is currently on his way here as we're speaking" Friday says I immediately try to finish I did but it took some time but I finished and went to leave the room to go find Peter but he's in the kitchen and is already talking to Pepper with his cheeks red ohh this should be interesting.

Peter POV In the elevator
I can't believe that I'm staying here for a month even though I intern here I don't explore the tower or see any other floor. I'm usually always in Mr. Stark floor or more specific in his personal lab where me and him spend countless hours in, he said that once the rogue are here we would be working on some of their equipment like repairing them or improving them.

"Hey Fri where Mr.Stark at?" I question

"Boss is currently doing paper work Peter" she immediately answer with a hint of amusement I swear I feel like she started to become more human than ever.
"Thank Fri is Miss Potts available?" I  wondered

"She is currently in the kitchen making dinner" she respond I quickly thank and tried to find my way there.

I got to the kitchen, I somewhat know where everything is but at the same time I don't so I ask Fri for some direction and eventually cane their and the first thing I see is Miss Potts cooking I sneak up to her and and scare for shits and gigs.

"HEY MISS POTTS!" She jumped and scream and throws something at me but I easily dodged it " Chill Miss Potts it's just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" I say before she through an actual knife at me

"Oh Peter it's just you Friday why wasn't I warned of this you know what never mind"she said looking up before turning towards and give me a hug "Hey sweetie how was your day" she ask me

"It was good school is the same, and then me and Aunt May got to hang out until she had to leave then patrol for while, and yeah now I'm here talking to you Miss Potts" I respond.

"Hey I thought you liked me" she fake an offended look towards me

"I didn't mean in a bad way Miss Potts I'm just exited?" I faked an innocent tone

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