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Walking towards Sapnaps car, a wave of excitement rushed over Piper. All of what she had been starting to want had been happening for her. It was some great luck she was having, and she wasn't complaining.

'Hi' Piper smiled at the boy next to her, his mouth open slightly as he looked at her, captivated by how good she looked.

'Hi' he reciprocated the smile, making the girls heart flutter. She was clueless to why it was so easy for her to react like that, but it always happened to her.

Piper looked him in the eyes, a sweet look in them. He was one of the most affectionate people ever, even if he didn't try and portray it. His tough demeanour he showed online most of the time was different in real life.

He was extremely cuddly, he loved hugs. Piper didn't expect that at first but it was something she had grown to adore.

Sapnap occasionally did these little giggles which whenever he did them he would get embarrassed by, however Piper loved them. It just was really endearing in her brain.

She was just falling more and more for the boy by the second, it was just relieving to know he felt the same.

She was just falling more and more for the boy by the second, it was just relieving to know he felt the same

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Walking towards Target, a massive grin was plastered on Piper's face. She said before that all she wanted for a first date was to go to Target, so she was more than happy.

It was a great idea, her simplistic brain didn't want to make herself or if whoever was taking her out pay too much. Additionally, it was so unconventionally fun in her mind that she needed to try it, even just once.

Grabbing Sapnap's hand, dragging him in as she started giggling. She loved how he remembered one of her random thoughts, probably late night but at this point she said random shit all the time.

In return, Sapnap just followed and looked down towards the girl, he wasn't at all bothered by how energetic Piper had become, actually he find it really cute.

They ended up walking around for about an hour, picking up random things and just making memories they would keep forever. They ended up buying nothing, were they surprised? No, but was it funny to them? Absolutely.

Walking out with their hands intertwined, smiles were plastered on their faces. In the last five minutes, they ended up just quoting 'I burn you, you melt me', trying to see who could do it without bursting into laughter first. Piper was winning at the moment, but Sap wasn't going down without a fight.

He ended up hugging Piper from behind, weirdly comforting for Piper seeing as she didn't think she would like it. She relaxed into the hug slightly, but that was soon distracted by Sapnap who started to tickle her.

'That isn't in the rules Sap!' she breathed out between each of the tickles. He grinned mischievously, loving how adorable she was and how easily she melted into his touch.

'Since when?' he laughed as the girl tried to squirm out of his grasp. She nearly got away, before he turned her back round to face him.

Putting one finger beneath her chin, he lifted her face so she was looking dead into his eyes. Sure, it wasn't the most romantic place to kiss, but it just seemed right. It was an amazing moment for both of them.

'I-, well, I have somewhere to take you if that's alright with you?' he asked her. almost as if she would say no.

'Anywhere you want to go' Piper smiled sweetly as they headed back into his car.

'Anywhere you want to go' Piper smiled sweetly as they headed back into his car

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jack got 500k on twitch! so proud of him, he deserves it so much <3

me and 1-800-SAPNAP are gonna be starting a discord server! i'll put more updates on my conversations soon :)

love you all so so so much

goodbye <3

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