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What the fuck.

That's an adequate response, isn't it?

Piper had been wanting this for so long, why was she doubting the boy's truthfulness?

Maybe it's because he was so close to Dream, the boy who had been the one she had told about her growing crush on him.

Maybe because it was her brain trying to trick her into thinking that she wasn't worthy enough for him, even though she couldn't find the reason why she wouldn't be good enough.

Maybe because she knew that some of the simps that the boy had definitely looked better than her, why wouldn't they be able get with Sapnap?

She couldn't find a reason. Her brain had paused for multiple seconds, it just not being able to comprehend whatever she was trying to think. It was all a mess, and she just sat there in silence for many seconds.

Sap was regretting everything he had said, stupidity was the only feeling he could experience. The hesitation that Piper had endured made him doubt his own logic, sure Dream had said that she liked him, but he could easily be lying.

'Well, I would first ask if you are joking or not. Then, I would give you my reply' Piper replied, a wave of excitement rushing through her veins. Was it about to happen? Was he seriously about to ask her?

'Ok, then, what would you do if I kissed you?' he smiled, hiding his nerves once again. Piper's face dropped, and the boy tensed up completely. What did he do wrong? He was told to be smooth, and he was? Maybe Piper didn't actually like him?

On the other hand, Piper was so lost for words. For a person who didn't fall easily, well in her mind that is, why did the small words he say affect her so much? Surely he was teasing, Dream wouldn't have not told him.

'I guess you would have to find out' Piper looked up at the boy, before spinning round to face him.

You could ask anyone else how they wanted their first kiss to go and you would always get a different response. Some people would want it as the sun sets behind them and some would want it under the stars. But Piper and Sapnap had a complete different want for their first kiss. They just wanted it now.

The feeling of their lips touching the others was something they would always remember. It wasn't too passionate or needy, it was as if everything had fallen into its correct place.

It was like they were meant to be. Many people would think that it was just convenient that they believed that, but spending time with them you would understand where they were coming from.

Pulling apart, they didn't need to say words. Their actions spoke louder than their words. They were each other's missing piece.

 They were each other's missing piece

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hello guys!!!

happy valentine's day!!! hope you all have amazing days, single or not

remember i love you all, and even if it is a platonic love i still appreciate you all so incredibly much

1-800-SAPNAP is incredible and ilysm

goodbye everyone!

𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃, 𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐩Where stories live. Discover now