Part 28

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Once I reached home I went into the kitchen and searched the fridge. Not long after pirate came bounding up towards me searching for food. I laughed going into the panty and pulling out a dog treat. Ever since I brought Pirate here everyone had been taking such good care of him and maybe even a little to much. Pirate had grown into an adult a few days ago so the lads got him a birthday doggy cake.

I could tell he enjoyed it and all the new toys they got him. I decided it was time for a new addition to the group and I didn't mean just fur babies but also people. I knew it was time to bring Max, Gotham but also Brandon into the gang. I knew with a bit of training they would all be great new additions I just had to figure a way to break it to Brandon. By this point he knew I was a street fighter however he thought I was going to a boarding school instead of a gang. I didn't want to put him in a situation where he had to keep things from his family everyday. But I didn't want his family in danger instead.

I walked through the corridors of the great mansion in which I've fought many times with Xander. I chuckled at petty arguments we had. Now we have each other backs. I walked to his office remembering all the good times I've had here but also the bad times as well.

It wasn't until I reached Xanders office door that I came to the realisation that I liked him. Without a shadow of a doubt. Xander was the only person I hadn't been a shut down heartless monster. He made me feel normal, At school I never felt normal because I wasn't. I didn't have normal teenage problems like if a boy likes me back my problems were more like who's going to try to kill me tonight after I beat them in a fight.

"Hey have you seen Sadie" Sam said looking wide eyed.

"No sorry" I said rushing past him. I needed air and I couldn't do that here. I felt suffocated but I couldn't go anywhere.

I couldn't go to Brandon he wasn't in the gang yet and I could get him hurt. I couldn't go to the underground because of Marcus but I couldn't go home because I don't want my family to be hurt. I felt alone, completely and utterly alone. I decided to go to rose garden I found the first day I was here. I decided I needed to do something so I thought about clearing out all the old bushes and ordering new one to make this place feel more alive.

I walked out to the garden seeing Sadie sat on the bench by herself looking down at her hands. I decided to ignore her and start working on the garden.

"Oh Grace I didn't see you there" She said laughing. I ignored her I didn't want a confrontation today but I also didn't have the strength to pull Xander away if he decided she needed to die today. I waved without turning around.

I began pulling out the old flowers before throwing them in a pile behind me. I didn't stop until there wasn't the sight of a dead rose.

"I see my son hasn't been keeping up with the gardening" I said someone say beside us.

"Honestly I don't even know I guess I was bored of looking at dead flowers from my room" I said laughing with as much energy as I could muster.

"What is wrong my dear" Shelly said whiles kneeling down beside me and began brushing old dead leaves away from the floor with me.

"I just needed some time to think that was all" I said not looking at her. While I was clueless about  my feelings towards him and I felt so alone because I had no one to go to I didn't want to believe myself when I say he makes me happy, He makes me feel semi- Normal but most of all he makes me feel complete. In the last year Xander and I have become quite a team and bonded more than I've ever bonded with any other person. The only thing left to do was tell him about Owen. I feel that the attacks are because of me, Because Owen wants to irradiate my Pa's blood line.

"I know that look and I know you feel alone right now but Xander was talking about bringing new people into the gang so maybe they would be more to you liking" She said with a small smile.

"Yeah I had a few people in mind from my street fighting ring" I said smiling at the thought of two people I loved the most at that ring.

"Ah do tell me about them" She said and continued with the leaves.

"Well their names are Max and Gotham. Gotham runs all the fights and Max is a fighter but also a bar tender, but there's also Brandon I trained him myself we didn't exactly get along but we formed an odd relationship and now we're best friends" I said laughing at the times we shared together. I stood offering my hand out to shelly to take to stand. She took my hand and stood and gave me a gentle hug. I missed my mums hugs and training with my brother and dad every day. I had to leave them for their safety. Shelly's hugs were comforting but they weren't my mothers. 

My head started to spin then nothing. I was out like a count. I heard the shouts of Shelly but nothing else I wanted to tell her I was fine but I couldn't move. My mind was going into overdrive but I couldn't do anything about it. Soon enough my head got misty and then nothing. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't feel anything, But I could hear things.

I heard the raised voices, I heard Pirate whining, but I couldn't hear the thing I wanted to hear the most and that was my family.

Next thing I knew I heard doors closing and someone crying other than Pirate I just couldn't put my finger on it who was crying. I wanted to cry with them I knew what was happening but I couldn't tell anyone about it. Pirate knew what is was but he couldn't tell anyone either so I was stuck here in the darkness having no one to talk to but myself.

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