Chapter 11

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As we walked off his ship and on our way to the beanstalk, he started questioning me on how I knew so much about him and his plans. 

“How do you know so much?”

God what am I going to say? Umm…

“There were rumours…”

“I hadn’t told anybody of my plans”

Crap. Now what?

“…. The rumours came from Neverland. They said you acquired dreamshade. And I knew you wanted revenge on Rumplestiltskin. It wasn’t hard to put the two together”

“And how do you know of this item we are about to obtain?”

“Umm, a… a legend! Yeah, my mother knows all the legends and stuff”

He still didn’t look convinced. Killian always hasn’t been the easiest to fool. He can read me like an open book.


“Anyway, your killing me with questions here! Can we please just focus on the task at hand?”

“One more question…” He turned my chin and made me look at him

“Why are you helping me?”

I really should have put more thought into this.

“I uh…

I know how it feels to lose somebody you loved” It was the truth.

His face suddenly grew dark. “How do you know I lost somebody I loved?!”

I didn’t know what to say


“You- you wouldn’t believe me if I told you”

“Try me”

“I’m uh… I’m from the future. But not like the future from now, a future in an alternate universe. Things are, quite different. But in this future, we are… friends”

He took a moment to take in this information. “We are friends?”

“Yeah, we’re really good friends” God this hurts. I deserved this. I deserved every bit of this torture.

“…Okay let’s get to this beanstalk”

And with that we continued our journey

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