Chapter 6

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Where is that little imp… Oh yeah. I remember when Killian and I travelled back in time he lived in the big castle in the mountains. Oh god how I miss Killian. I wish I never made this stupid deal 

Never make deals with Rumplestiltskin

Oh I should’ve known. Well to fix this mess, I need to get to his castle.


Yep that’s it. Dark One’s Castle. “Mr Go-“ I need to stop doing that. “Rumplestiltskin!” No answer


Then he poofed out of nowhere. Why does he always do that?! “Well hello dearie, what are you doing in my castle?”

“I was hoping you could help me”

“Yes, yes I know that. Nobody just comes to my castle just to say hello. What do you need help with?”

“This is going to sound strange but… I come from the future”

“This sounds awfully familiar in my mind for some reason”

“… Anyway. I made a deal with you in another land. A land without magic. A land you were meant to curse an entire kingdom to get to. To find your son”

His face grew very dark. He used his mind magic to strangle me. Oh here we go again.

“How do you know of my son!”

I sigh. “His name is Baelfire. You were planning to enact a curse in hopes of reuniting with him”

He let me go

“And who told you that? What are you some kinda witch?”

Oh this is all too familiar.

“No I’m not a witch. I’m from the future remember”

“Then it is true… you must be from the future”

“So why isn’t this land … cursed?” I asked

“I tried forging this curse. But there was one ingredient I was unable to get.”

“And what was that?”

“A product of true love. A saviour of some sort. But unfortunately the only people who have true love are Snow White and Prince Charming. And they are unable to have a child. So without a saviour to eventually break the curse, I am left with nothing”

Oh no… 

Hello my beauties !! Since I haven't updated in like 2 weeks I felt like I would be generous and give you double chapters. Plus I love writing this story (the season 3 finale was just too good so I thought I would make another EF kinda thing), I feel like Adam and Eddy just playing with my toys and twisting things around. 

Anyway as always thanks for reading and I'll cya next update !! xoxo

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