Chapter 5

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Where would he be? The docks yes he was a pirate wasn’t he. I entered a tavern and asked the bartender “Psstt! Excuse me um could you tell me where I could find a man known as Killian Jones” “I have no idea who that is mam” “Uhh let’s see…Oh yeah Captain Hook!” He suddenly went very pale and still. “I don’t know what you want with Captain Hook but my advice is to stay away. A young lass like you could get hurt” “Please he would never hurt me. Now Where. Is. He?”

The bartender pointed across the room. There I saw him drinking away with his pirate friends gambling. Ugh he is going to have such a hangover the next day. I walked over to the table and embraced him “Killian! Oh thank god I was looking everywhere for you” I wasn’t paying much attention to the fact he was looking at me like the ghost, when I took his rum out of his hand. “Oh god Killian you know what happens when you drink! Last time that happened I found you and Leroy in the morning in a rubbish bin” 

“Who’s this?” one of the men next to him laughed. “I haven’t the slightest idea” he said, “It appears to be you who has drank too much rum.” Oh no, this wasn’t happening. Then the man lent over and whispered “Oy she’s not hideous. And if she’s drunk, use that to your advantage” Then Hook did a wicked smirk. “Too right” he whispered back. “Say milady would you like to go back with me for a night cap?” Crap. Killian doesn’t know me. I ran out of the tavern.

“Okay Rumple this wasn’t part of the deal!” I yelled

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