Chapter 2

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The Next Day

“Morning, love” “Good morning” I say back. I get up out of bed to feed Leia and Liam “Here comes the aeroplane,” I say as I spoon it into his mouth. “That’s a good boy” I pick him up and cradle him in my arms. Killian joins me and feeds Leia and puts her to bed. 


“Well I better get down to the station. This town’s not going to take care of themselves.” “Alright sweetheart I’ll see you tonight for dinner.”

I head down to the station and I get a call “Sherriff last night I was robbed” “I’ll be right there” I respond


“As they danced at King Midas’s ball, Emma began to see what a man Killian Jones really was and was already falling deeply in love with him.”

“And they lived, happily…” Henry said

“Ever” Killian said

“..After” I finished and everybody cheered.

The Next Day

“Morning, love” “Morning” 


I head down to the station and I get a call “Sherriff we need your help down at the docks” “I’ll be right there” I reply


“And they lived, happily…” Henry said

“Ever” Killian said

“….After” I finished and everybody cheered

The Next Day

Blackbeard’s P.O.V

I got it today, the dagger. Now I can finally have what I need to get back what I want. 

I will use it to pretend to be Rumplestiltskin and get Emma to make a deal. A deal that will take away the day she was born. If that she never happened, the curse never would have happened and I can finally have what I want.

Emma’s P.O.V


“And they lived, happily…” 


“…..After” I finished glumly.

As everybody was leaving Mr. Gold came up to me. That’s new. “Miss Swan, I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t look that… happy tonight”

“Tell me about it” I replied

“What’s troubling you?”

“It’s just, ever since Hook made that stupid wish, every day is the same, the town always needs me and I don’t even remember the last time I had a day just to myself!”

“…Come by my shop” he replied”

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