Chapter 14

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Here we go, this will do for tonight” I said


“Let’s get some rest. We’ll need our strength for tomorrow” 

He nodded. We laid down and got some sleep.


I was running. I was running in the dark. I couldn’t see a thing. Then I could see all the villains come into the light, they were back. Cora, Peter Pan, The Wicked Witch, Ursula, Maleficent, Cruella. All of them. “You really thought you could get rid of us?” said Cruella “Wicked always wins” Zelena said. “And now we are going to take away everything you love”. 

Then somebody switched on the light. Mum, Dad, Henry and Killian were chained to a wall. Tied up, with fear in their eyes. I ran to help them but the villains stood in my way. “Ta, ta, ta” 

“You really thought we’d just bring you here to rescue them?” Peter Pan said

“We brought you here to give you a front row seat” They said as they poofed me into a chair and handcuffed down, helpless. 

“Where you can Watch. Them. Die” 

“No, no!” I yelled. I tried getting out of this chair but it was hopeless. 

“They didn’t do anything! Let them go!”

Then Cora pulled out their hearts, one by one. I cried for her to stop. To make the pain end. 

She handed their hearts to the others where they crushed Henry, Mum, and Dad’s hearts. “We love you, Emma,” they whispered before they fell down to the ground, lifeless. Tears ran down my cheeks as I just wished this nightmare to end.

“We saved the best to last” Cora smirked. She walked over, showing me Killian’s heart. “You see this my sweet girl? You know how a heart works. If they have darkness or evil in them it will show on their heart. But do you see this? You see this heart? It’s pure red. Not one spot of darkness. You did this Emma. Killian changed for you. He did everything in his power to be with you and now. Now you get to watch as your life with him fades away and disappears forever”

“Why are you doing this?!” I cried. 

“Love is weakness, my dear,” She said as she crushed my Killian’s heart to dust. “No!” No, no, no, no-

- - 

“Emma! Emma!”

“What? Wha- get away from me! You crushed my family’s hearts to pieces you monster, you evil-“

“Emma! Wake up!” I heard as Hook shook my shoulders. “You had a nightmare. It’s okay”

I sobbed as I hugged him. “It was awful, Killian. Everybody was back. Peter Pan, Zelena, everyone. They ripped out mum’s, dad’s, Henry’s, your heart. They crushed them all in front of me” I cried onto his jacket. Wait- Killian doesn’t wear leather to bed. Oh no, I’m not at home am I? No, no, no. I’m in another nightmare aren’t I…

I looked back up at Hook. He looked at me confused. “Oh sorry, I uh-“

“It’s okay. You had a nightmare,” he said.

“Umm… I’m going to go back to bed. Night” I said. I tried getting to bed but it was pointless, the nightmare traumatised me. Watching your loved ones die, that’s the worse curse there is. Plus I was freezing! Cold air sped through the cave. Man, how did my mum ever get through as a bandit if nights were as cold as this? 

“Here, love” Hook said as he, put his coat on me? “Oh no, Hook you’ll freeze” 

“It’s fine. I’ve suffered through many worse nights on my ship on the sea. Plus I can’t get any sleep as it is either”

“… Thanks” I said as I bundled myself in Killian’s coat. It smelled like the sea.

“Do you miss it? The sea?”

“I’ve only parted with it for a day, love”

“Oh, right… but let’s say after, a few years. Do you think you would miss it?”

“Yes. The sea is part of me. I grew up with it. I mean, I couldn’t imagine going more than a week not sleeping on my ship”

I smiled to myself. He traded his ship for me. Only now do I realise how much of a sacrifice that really was for him. And he gave it up, for me.

“Can I ask you a question?” Hook asked.

“Sure” I responded.

“You say we are … friends in the future. Right?”


“I uh, you do mean a lot to me in the future. But we’re just friends. Really good friends. You could say we’re like best friends. The bestest of FRIENDS”

What am I saying? I’m just digging myself in deeper and deeper.

“Right, right. Friends”

“It’s true!”

“Right. Well let’s just get some sleep then, FRIEND,” he laughed

“Yes we shall get some sleep, FRIEND,” I laughed back

I’m falling for him all over again. If that’s even possible. Now I can only hope he is falling for me too.

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