Chapter 20

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. I'm going to kill whoever put it on for the weekend. Wait... I'm at home. I'm alive. That means-

"Morning, my love. How did you sleep?"

I look turn over and see Killian there smiling at me, with his hand on my shoulder. Before I say anything I pull him into my arms and capture my lips with his. We stay like that for minutes until Killian breaks the kiss. "I'm not complaining but what was th-" Before he can say another word I press another kiss to his lips.

"I'm home" I manage to say between kisses. He breaks the kiss again and looks me in the eye, brushing hair out of my face. "Of course, where else would you be?"

"I... made a mistake"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I just made a foolish mistake with Rumple and boy I will never be doing that again"

"You made a deal with the crocodile? Why on earth would you do that?" He asks me sincerely

"I was stupid. I just... wanted a day to myself and almost died in the process"

"When did all this happen? I should have been there to help you, to protect you"

"You were. Just.. in an alternate reality. But none of that matters now. I love you Killian Jones and I am never making the mistake of losing you again"

He kissed my temple and caressed my cheek.

"Good, I couldn't bear to lose you either.

I love you too, Emma"


"Leia!" I grinned as I lifted her up and held her in my arms. "And Liam!" I exclaim as I put down Leia and pick up Liam. They're safe.


"Henry! Oh kid I missed you" I say as I embrace him.

"What's happening over here? Mum smiled as she wandered over from the kitchen table. "Mum! It's so good to see you and not in ropes with Dad" I remarked

"What?" She asked

"Nothing" I muttered

Then I saw dad wander over to us. "Dad! God you have no idea how good it is too see all of you" I smiled as I pulled them both in for a hug.

"Emma you sound like you haven't seen us all in weeks"

"It feels like it" I laughed

The door squeaked as it swung open and Regina and Robin walked through the door.

"Okay did we just walk into a family gathering? Why is everybody hugging?"

I giggled as I gave Regina a hug too "It's good to see you Regina"

"Oh I'm getting a hug now too okay"

I giggled as I let her go. "Sorry. It's just nice to see you good and not having you commanding to puncture arrows through my chest"


"Nevermind" I mumbled. "Who wants breakfast?"


And so here I was. Eating with my family and friends, laughing about a reality that will happily, never exist again. "I wouldn't be distracted by somebody yelling 'pirates' that's ridiculous!" Regina contested

"Yep. Twice actually, except in your defence it was true the second time" I replied

"Still..." Regina mumbled as everybody chuckled

I missed this. I will never be giving it up again, even if it's for a day I thought to myself. But somebody opened the door interrupting my thoughts. Killian was the first to stand up.

"What are you doing here, Crocodile?"

"I came to apologise. Miss Swan, I never intended to make that deal with you. It was beyond my control"

"Then why did you do it?" I asked bitterly

"I was-"

But before he could finish his sentence, somebody else barged through the door.

"What do you want Blackbeard?" Robin questioned

"It appears True Loves Kiss truly can break any curse. Unfortunately that curse was something I had been working on for a very long time..."

He continued as we all stood up and started to back away slowly

"A curse that was meant to get me what I wanted."

"Which was what?" David asked

"That information is confidential. The point is you broke it. You broke the deal"

"Wait- YOU were the one who made me take that deal? YOU were the one who tricked me?"


"How?" Snow demanded

"With the dark one's dagger you can achieve anything. Now I always had a back up plan, incase there were any problems with my first curse. In the first curse, I let you all live. Just in a version without the saviour ever being born of course. But.. you broke that curse and you'll pay"

And Blackbeard grabbed something from his pocket, threw it at our feet and he was gone.

"What is that?" Henry asked, pointing to this thing looked to resemble a hex bag of sorts.

"Bad news" Regina replied

"We need to get out of here, now" Gold shouted

But just as we turned to run, it opened up and black smoke filled the room, sucking us all inside...

Thank you all for your patience,  school got hectic again surprise surprise. Anyway, I hoped you liked this book and for the first time I will be doing a sequel! And I am really excited about this one. Be prepared for Rumple, Snow, David, Regina, Robin, Henry, Emma and Killian in a new world...

Thanks for all the comments, votes and of course reading it and I will see you all soon for the sequel! Bye my beauties xx

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