Chapter 19

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Okay I'm gonna warn you, this chapter gets a little emotional. Hope you like it xox

Hook's P.O.V

As I head to the Dark One's castle, I just wasn't feeling too sure about it. I couldn't stop thinking about Emma's words. 'Revenge is a dark and lonely road'  Maybe it was... when I think about it all these years trying to gather magic to defeat the Dark One hasn't made me happy. Not once. And if I finally do complete it, I doubt it will change. I mean, what will I do after that? 

The one person who has made me smile in these last few centuries was... Emma. Maybe... maybe she would be enough.

I stop in my tracks. I'm not going to do this, I'm going to find Emma

Emma's P.O.V

"Well I promised these people an execution. And that's exactly what they'll get" Regina tells me

I don't even care anymore. I'm going to be dead by the end of the day, so what did it matter?

The guards put a bag over my head and tied my hands up, in chains this time

"And tight" Regina added. I guess she didn't want a repeat of last time.

I heard the arrow men preparing to shoot. I guess this was it, this is how I'm going to die. In the foster system I never dreamed I'd die by arrow men in Fairytale Land, under order by the Evil Queen, all because I was unhappy with my amazing life and made a deal with Rumplestiltskin.




"Pirates!" I hear somebody call.

"I'm NOT falling for that one again!" I heard Regina yell. 

"Your majesty, there are in fact pirates approaching" A guard tells her

"Well get RID of them!" Regina shouts

What, why are there pirates here? I hear swords clashing and people running but I can't see a thing. Then my mask is off my face thank god.

Then my hands are free. 

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here, Emma? You manage to escape a giant but your captured by the queen?"

"Hook! Wha- what are you doing here?"

"I came to find YOU of course. And when I do, I found your about to have arrows in your chest"

"You... you came back for me? Why?"

"Because I wanted to be with you, Emma"

"But... Rumplestilt-"

"I didn't do it. I gave it up"

"You, you did?"


"I wanna tell you a little secret... in the future... we aren't friends"

He looked at me confused

"We are, well together"

"Yeah, I know"

"What? You did"

"It wasn't hard to connect the dots, love"

I smiled. Then suddenly I couldn't feel my feet. No, no not now! 

"What, what's happening to you?"

"I'm... I'm fading from existence"

I felt myself fading away, my hands are starting to disappear now too. 

"No, no no no no. Your not! Your staying with me"

I put my hand on his cheek as a tear fell down my face "It's okay. I got the life I had always dreamed of with you. And the best part of it, is here I got to fall in love with you all over again"

He started crying too. The last thing I felt was the touch of his lips on mine before I felt everything drifting away and everything went black

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