Toshiro Profile

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First Name: Toshiro

Last Name: Shirogane

Eye color: Emerald

Hair color: Orange

Age: 14

Parents: Mother-deceased
                  Father deceased

Siblings: Hanako-adoptive sister-deceased
                  Rokuta-adoptive brother-deceased
                  Takeo-adoptive brother-deceased
                 Shigeru-adoptibe brother-deceased
                 Nezuko-adoptive sister-Alive

Love Interest:Tanjiro(boyfriend)

Personality: Toshiro is very kind and loves when Tanjiro kiss his cheek. He also loves running around in the sun and looking up at the moon at night. He selfless and would rather sacrifice himself to save others.

Abilities: Toshiro could walk around in the sun. He's also immune to the wisteria plant. So if he's injected with the poison it would only make him sleepy. He uses both the sunlight and Moonlight for energy. After he arrived at Sakonji, he fell asleep and didn't wake until the week Tanjiro went to Final Selection. He also has the same growing and shrinking ability as Nezuko. Very protective of both Tanjiro and Nezuko later on Zenitsu, Inosuke and Giyuu.

Blood Demon Technique:
Organ Meltdown-This technique allows you to burst open or stop a specific organ from working. If he uses this technique he has to think on which organ to use.

Sunlight Aura/Beam: This allows the user to use the store up sunlight in his body to make a beam and direct it at his target. It works like normal demons who walk in the sunlight. He can only use this technique twice. If he goes over the limit he can pass out.

Blood Manipulation: This technique is dangerous towards both humans and demons. If Toshiro get your blood, he can use that as an ability to take control of your movements. It can also cause him to build up blood in your veins as well as speed up the blood in your body causing you to overheat.

He can also has a full demon form like Nezuko. I'm also making it to where To Shiro meets Kanao. Since he won't be able to talk he'll just write on the ground or just hug her whenever he sees her.

Face reference is Natsusa Yuzuki from Number 24.

I'm using this as a reference

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I'm using this as a reference. I don't know who it's from, it doesn't say where. But credits to the creator of it. Really wish I could draw but anyways.

Toshiro has two big horns on his head. His hair gets longer and he gets taller. The marks on his body are bits of fire, blood and little heart shapes in that pattern up his arm. His skin is also harder than normal, so Daki's attacks are useless.

Also publishing other chapters will be slow. Sorry about that, I'm busy at the moment.

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