Chapter 11

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Third Person P.O.V
'What's going on with this man... He's wearing a pig head--- and he's carrying blades!!' Tanjiro thought starring at the man that appeared out of nowhere. "Come on monster!! I'm going to make you die out here in the wild! You're going to make me stronger, and be my stepping stone to higher places!!" The male with the boar head said before he dashed at Kyogai. "Pisses me off. Pisses me off..." The man said before he hit his drum again just as the male came close to him. "Kyahhh!" Teruko shouted as the room turned causing her to fall from her hiding spot.

"Teruko!! Hold onto the furniture!!" Tanjiro shouted at her before he saw a foot heading towards him. He raised his hand blocking his face as the foot used his hand to push off and attack Kyogai. "That thing is a demon with abilities!! Don't swing your swords blindly at it!!" Tanjiro shouted to the boar head male who ignored him. "Pisses me off... These little bugs making a mess in my house..." Kyogai said as he hit the drum on his shoulder causing the room to spin once again. The boar head male after the room stopped spinning landed on Teruko's back as she shouted in pain.

"Ahahahahaha!! The room is spinning around and around! So interesting! So very interesting!!" The male said as Teruko whimperef in pain as the male didn't bother to move his foot. Tanjiro moved towards his as he grabbed his leg throwing him off of her back harshly. "Don't step on other people like that!!" Tanjiro shouted at the male before the other landed on the floor. "What are you doing you little brat..." The make said to Tanjiro who held Teruko in his hand. "How could you step on top of such a small child!!" Tanjiro shouted as Teruko shaked in his hand.

"Ahahahahaha!! Not bad, not bad! That was a good throw there!! This is the first time I've ever been thrown by a human!!" He told Tanjiro before dashing towards him catching him by surprise. 'Why is he coming after me? Isn't he one of the demon slayers?!!' Tanjiro thought surprised before he jumped away with Teruko in his arm missing the blades that were swinged at him. "Getting sliced by one of my blades is going to really hurt!! This isn't a blade that can be used by little children. It can make the person that was sliced experience the feeling of being sliced by a thousand blades!" The boar headed male said to Tanjiro as he raised his hand to swing again.

"Stop messing around!! The demon is right there!!" Tanjiro said as he looked at the boar headed male. "I don't care!!" He said as he dashed towards Tanjiro. "Damn bugs. Vanish from my sight. Die." Kyogai said as he hit his drum causing three claw marks to appear between the boar headed male and Tanjiro. "Not bad, not bad!" He said as Tanjiro stared surprised by the attack. 'The tatsumi was suddenly torn apart. They appeared at the same time and speed as the sound of the drums. Those shapes look like the claw marks of a beast--...' Tanjiro thought staring at the claw mark in the tatsumi. The demon hit the drums again causing another set of claws to appear.

'Right turn, left turn...' Tanjiro thought as he dodged the attacks that Kyogai summoned everytime he hit the drums. "Damn bugs. Damn bugs..." Kyogai said as he hit the drums. 'I'm starting to understand!!' Tanjiro thought as the boar headed male hit the wall suddenly he stopped causing Tanjiro to stare confused. The sound of the drums cause the room to shift again as he held onto Teruko. 'The room transformed again!! But isn't this situation weird? That demon didn't beat his drums. There are multiple demon scents in this room. Are there other demons with drums as well? Also... There's the scent of blood.' Tanjiro thought as he covered his nose.

"Follow closely behind me." Tanjiro said to Teruko who stood besides him. "Okay..." She responded as Tanjiro opened the door and began to walk out. 'Again with the humans that were eaten and then discarded by demons!!' Tanjiro thought as he looked away from the dead body sadly. "What... What is it?" Teruko asked as Tanjiro turned her away so she won't see the body. "It's okay. There aren't any demons here. Let's go over there. Don't turn back. Go straight ahead." Tanjiro said as he lead her away from the body. 'There's also another... unique smell of blood that I've never encountered before. There doesn't seem to be alot of it though.' Tanjiro thought once the smell entered his nose.

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