Chapter 10

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Third Person P.O.V
"Chirp chirp! Chirp chirp!" A sparrow chirped as they flew towards Tanjiro. "Oh." Tanjiro said holding his hand out for the bird to land in his palm. "Chirp chirp! Chirp chirp!" The sparrow chirped as it pointed behind him. "I see. I understand. I'll think of a way!" Tanjiro shouted as his crowd flew towards Toshiro. He stared at the crow tilting his head as the crow followed him. "I beg you!! Marry me!!" Zenitsu shouted as he was dragged on the floor by the woman trying to get away from him. Suddenly he was elected up by Tanjiro.

"What the hell are you doing in the middle of the road?! Can't you see that the lady doesn't want this?! And you're bothering the sparrow's too!!" Tanjiro shouted as Toshiro and Tennouji stayed back observing. "Ah, the uniform!! You're the one from the Final Selection..." Zenitsu said looking back at Tanjiro. "I definitely don't know a guy like you! Definitely don't!!" He shouted as Zenitsu stared at him. "Eh---!! We've met though, we really have met before! You've got memory issuess!" He shouted as Tanjiro ignored him and went to the lady.

"Alright young lady, you should hurry on back home." Tanjiro said as the lady turned towards him. "Thank you very much." She replied as she bowed to him. "Hey---! She still needs to marry me, she likes me!" Zenitsu shouted at Tanjiro. "Shame on you!" The lady said as she gave him a few slaps to the face. "Calm down for a moment." Tanjiro said pulling the woman away from Zenitsu who screamed in pain. "When did I ever say that I liked you!! I only talked to you because I thought you were sick when I saw you squatting on the side of the road!!" The lady explained as she shouted at Zenitsu.

"Doesn't that mean that you talked to me because you're worried about me because you like me?!" Zenitsu shouted back confused as he pointed at him. "That's completely impossible, I have a fianceé already! I see that you're really energetic already, so you should be fine. Let's never see each other again!" The lady shouted annoyed at Zenitsu as she began to walk away. "Wait!! Wait..." He said as he reached out to the lady who ignored him. "Why did you have to come and mess with... What sort of an expression is that!!" Zenitsu shouted as he turned to look at Tanjiro.

"Don't do that----! Don't use those eyes to look at me like you would use to look at some other sort of creature! It's all your fault!! It's all your fault that I didn't get married!! Say something!!" Zenitsu shouted as Tanjiro's expression turned into disgust staring at him. "I'm about to die!! I'll definitely die the next time I'm on the job!! I'm super weak, and don't think I'm exaggerating! You need to protect me before I finally get married!" Zenitsu shouted as Tanjiro introduced himself. "My name is Kamado Tanjiro!! And that's Toshiro!! Is that so!! I'm sorry." Tanjiro told Zenitsu as he pointed at the boy who stared at them blankly.

"My name is Agatsuma Zenitsu! Help me, Tanjiro!" He said as he clung to Tanjiro. "Why would a person like you who asks for the help of somebody he just met want to be a swordsman! How can you be so shameless to such an extent!" Tanjiro shouted at Zenitsu clasping his shoulders. "That's way too harsh! It's because I was deceived by a woman, and I've got a buttload of debt! That guy I owe money to says that I need to repay the debt the woman owes him as well, so he "groomed" me!! I went through a hellish training regime every day, and during that time I really thought I might as well just die!" Zenitsu shouted as he bend backwards as Tanjiro looked at him.

"And I thought I really was going to die during the Final Selection!! In the end I was very lucky and I survived. Then I ended up back in that hellish lifestyle again! Ah-scary scary so scary!! I don't want this ahh---!! I don't want this at all!! Save me!!" Zenitsu shouted as he fell to his knees crying. "What's going on with you, are you okay?" Tanjiro asked as he kneeled besides him. He continued crying while the crow and sparrow had a conversation. Toshiro on the other hand was chasing a butterfly in his chibi form. After a while they started walking with Tanjiro holding Toshiro in his hands.

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