Chapter 7

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Tanjiro P.O.V
"Seriously!! What I wanted to say was this!! It's not about the money... If you don't eat the udon I make, I'll never forgive you!!" The man shouted to me before he went in front of Nezuko. "Hold the chopsticks! What is with this bamboo?! Take out that bamboo in your mouth first!!" The vendor shouted as Nezuko looked at him confused. I went behind the vendor as he stood in front of Nezuko. "I'll take two bowls of udon!!" I told him a she rest my hand on his shoulder.

As soon as I got the 2 bowls I began slurping the noodles at a rapid pace causing the vendor to look at me in surprise. "I'm full now!! That was delicious!!" I told the vendor before I walked off with Nezuko right behind me. "As long as you understand!!" He shouted back as we walked away further. "I'm so sorry Nezuko, I left you on the side... By the way, where's Toshiro?" I asked her as she looked at me before looking at the box. "Oh.... He went back to sleep." I said as I swear dropped at that.

I forgot Toshiro likes to sleep even before he became a demon. I heard Nezuko stop walking as she growled at something in front of us. I looked forward and saw the boy who was it the demon lady standing behind a tree. "Oh. Are you waiting for me? You know I can find you guys by following your scent, right..." I told him as he walked from behind the tree. "How would you be able to find me, that place has a cloaking spell cast upon it to mask it from other people's sight. Compared to that..." He said as he trailed off slightly.

"Isn't that woman a demon? And an eyesore to boot. Also where was that average looking male demon that was with you?" He asked as he pointed as Nezuko as I looked at him confused. 'Eyesore? Does he mean "ugly"? Who? Who does he mean by average looking male?' I thought to myself until it took me a while to realized what he meant. 'Nezuko and Toshiro?' I thought as I shifted my attention from Nezuko to the box Toshiro was in. Speaking of Toshiro, I saw him standing on the side of me rubbing his eyes.

"Who in their right mind would call Nezuko ugly and Toshiro average? Just take a good look at their features! She was the beauty of our hometown! Our Nezuko! And Toshiro was popular with both the male and female population! Everyone would come to us just to get a look at him!" I shouted in his face before I showed him Nezuko and Toshiro with the latter looking at us in confusion. "We're going." He said as he turned around walking away.

"Sure, we'll go, but still... No way is she an eyesore! Neither is Toshiro average! Not on your life!" I shouted at them as I dragged Toshiro and Nezuko behind me while trying to catch up to him. "Take a look at them where there is a bit more light! Come on! Let's go over there!" I shouted at him as we went to where they reside. We made it to a wall where he stopped as I continued ranting.

"Oh, I know what it is! Maybe it's this muzzle, right? It might be because of this muzzle! I'd like you to behold Nezuko and Toshiro without the muzzle!" I shouted not knowing that the boy walk through the wall as I held both of their faces. I felt Toshiro tug on my haori as I saw him look at the wall. I followed his line of sight and realized the boy wasn't in front of us. I turned Nezuko to look at the wall as I saw him peaked out.

"Hurry it up. Whilst no one is around." He told me before he disappeared back into the wall. I watch as Toshiro walked through the wall first before Nezuko and I followed behind him. We looked up and saw a building standing in front of us. "There's a house behind the dead end!" I shouted in surprise before I heard the boy's voice again. "Get over here!" He shouted as I saw Toshiro standing besides him as he tried to pay his head only for him to dodge.

We stood in front of the door before he stopped and looked at us. "Listen. Make sure you don't offend that person in anyway. Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to you. But I brought you here because she insisted!" He said as he appeared in front of my face. "R-Right." I told him as I learned back slightly. "Come in." I heard the lady's voice from before as he opened the door. "I have returned." he said as we entered the room.

(On Hold) My Protective Demon Tanjiro x Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now