Chapter 8

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Third Person's P.O.V
"Hahaha! Just like what Yahaba said, a structure appeared in a place that didn't have anything there before!" Susamaru said as she catches the two that she threw. "Seems like they used a blood demon art capable of hiding things. There is a demon hunter and another demon along with them? What is going on... Anyways, Susamaru.... Should I say that the way you handled this was immature..." Yahaba said as he closed Susamaru as she bounced the temari balls.

"Or too simplistic... You got it dirty, you know." Susamaru said as Yahaba gave her an annoyed look. "You got my clothes dirty with dust. Tch." He told her as the veins appeared around the eye in his palm looking at her. "You're so annoying. It was all thanks to my temari balls that we were able to find this place so soon, okay? I want to play a little bit longer. And your clothes aren't dirty, you're such a neurotic guy." she told him as Tanjiro held a half asleep Toshiro and Nezuko to his chest.

'A temari...!! Just a temari ball thrown by that woman was able to destroy the house to this extent...!!' Tanjiro thought as he glared at the woman. "Ahahaha, found you! Found you!" Susamaru said as she catches the balls in her hands. 'This one of Kibutsuji's underlings?!' Yushiro thought as he held Tamayo protectively. Susamaru raised her hand before she threw the two temari balls towards them as it bounced around the house.

One of the temari balls was heading straight to Tamayo but Yushiro stood in front of it. The ball dropped as Yushiro stared at it before it shot forward destroying his head. "Yushiro-san!!" Tanjiro shouted towards the boy as Tamayo caught his body. "Nezuko!! Carry the unconscious woman in there to a safe place outside!!" Tanjiro told Nezuko who looked at him. "We have a basement, take the woman there." Tamayo told Tanjiro as Nezuko nodded before she went in the direction of where the woman laid.

"Ahahaha! I killed somebody. Hm?" Susamaru said as Tanjiro stood in front of the Toshiro who was looking at headless Yushiro. 'She has a noticeablely different scent than the demons I've faced in the past...!! Is it because she's really strong...? A heavy scent... Just sucking it into my lungs feels heavy!!' Tanjiro thought as the lady stood still staring at Tanjiro. "The demon hunter with the earrings on your ears... That's you, right? Ah! And the boy with orange color hair!" she said as Tanjiro looked at her shocked.

'So their target is me and Toshiro?! But why?' Tanjiro thought before he turned his attention to Tamayo. "Tamayo-san! Please get to place where you are able to hide!" Tanjiro shouted as she casted her gaze to Yushiro. "Tanjiro-san. Please don't mind us, and carry on with your battle. We will be fine even without your protection. Because we are demons." Tamayo said as a blur of orange ran past them. Toshiro ran towards the demon with temari's with an angry expression on his face. He aimed to punch her which she blocked.

She threw one of the temari's towards him as he dodged getting scratched on the cheek. As he winced slightly giving Susamaru the opportunity to kick him in the stomach. He got launched back inside the house as Tanjiro ran to him. "Toshiro!! Are you okay?!" He asked Toshiro who nodded his head before he fell down after trying to sit up. Tanjiro got up and stood in front of Toshiro, Tamayo, and Yushiro. 'Even if I avoid the handball, it will still turn towards me!!' Tanjiro as he closed his eyes not noticing Toshiro getting up.

"Full Focus: Breath of Water." Tanjiro thought as the ball came towards him. 'The fastest stabbing strike out of the ten sword techniques.' Tanjiro thought as he pulled his hand back with the sword. "Seventh Style: Drop Wave Patter Piercing Strike Curve." Tanjiro thought as he shoot his hand with the sword forward piercing the ball as it stopped. 'Going from the side with the sword in a curving trajectory to pierce the temari in order to decrease its momentum? Hmph.' Susamaru thought as Tanjiro noticed the ball start shaking.

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