Chapter 13

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Third Person P.O.V
Toshiro was dozing off, leaning against the tree as he saw the door open. He watched at Zenitsu exit with Shigeru holding him as they fell out of the window. 'In the past... I also had a sharp hearing like I do now. Sometimes when I sleep, I'm also able to understand what other people were saying, and it really creeps me out. The demon's sound has disappeared... So Tanjiro has defeated the demon... I can hear Tanjiro and the others being noisy, and also a strange set of footprints...' Zenitsu thought as he laid on his back eyes closed. "Zenitsu-san! Are you okay?" Shigeru asked Zenitsu who opened his eyes staring. "We were blown out of the house as it's layout changed. We fell out of the second story window." Shigeru explained as he sat up.

"Really?" Zenitsu asked turning to him. "It's all thanks to Zenitsu's hard work that I was able to remain unharmed." Shigeru said to him. "That's good. But why are you crying?" He asked as he rubbed the back of head feeling something on his hand. He moved it and saw his blood on it. "Oh I see?! So there was something that fell on top of my head?!" Zenitsu exclaimed when he saw the blood. "Yeah..." Shigeru replied as Toshiro woke up and rushed to them hugging them tightly. He had shrink to be the same size of the box hugging both of them as Zenitsu smiled patting his head. He moved back to the box just as the door opened and person wearing a boar hat burst out. "Pig assault, pig assault!!" The person who wearing a boar head shouted when they came outside.

Hahaha!! I detect the presence of two demons!!" Inosuke shouted as Shigeru and Zenitsu stared at him. Toshiro blankly blinked from besides the box. "Ah! That person is... I heard his sound just now so I know... The 5th person that qualified... He was the fastest person during the final selection to go up and down the mountain!! He's a hotheaded sort of person!!" Zenitsu exclaimed as the boar-headed male turned to when Toshiro and Nezuko were. "I found you!!" He shouted as he rushed towards them. "Stop!! I won't allow you to lay your hand on this box and Toshiro! They are Tanjiro's most precious possession!!" Zenitsu said as Toshiro stared up at him. "Hey hey hey, what are you talking about? Don't you know that there's a demon inside the box and besides it?" He asked staring at Zenitsu. "I knew that from the very beginning!!" Zenitsu shouted to him.

'I know he carries two demons around with him. A "demon's sound" and a "human's sound" is fundamentally different to each other. However... because Tanjiro has a... sound so gentle that it makes me want to cry, so... This was a sound so gentle that I've never heard of before... until I met him. All living things will produce sounds. Lots and lots of different sounds. The sound of breathing, the sound of the heart beating, the sound of blood flowing... All I have to do is concentrate and listen hard, then I'll be able to know what a person is thinking about. But I keep getting deceive by people. I've always been... trusting the people that I want to trust. Tanjiro is a demon hunter, yet he also carries two demons with him... He must have a reason to do this... I'm willing to trust that his reason is definitely something I can accept.' Zenitsu thought as gave the boar-headed male a sharp stare.

"I want to... I want to... ask Tanjiro about this, face to face... So you... should just get the hell out of the way first!!!" Zenitsu shouted at him. "You sure do like to talk impressive! You're just a coward that's afraid to even pull out his own blade!! Since you and I are both demon hunters, you must fight!!" The boar-headed male said as he went to kick Zenitsu but Toshiro pushed him away receiving the kick to his face as he stumbled a bit hitting the box slightly. "Toshiro!!" Zenitsu shouted as he saw the boar-headed male walking closer to Toshiro who held his nose slightly crying. 'That actually hurt...' He thought as Zenitsu slid in front of them as the boar-headed male kicked him again as he protected Toshiro and Nezuko.

When Tanjiro made it outside, his eyes were wide as he saw the scene in front of him. "I'm going to skewer you along with the box and that demon." The boar-headed male said staring down at Zenitsu. "Stop!!" Tanjiro shouted as he rushed towards them. The boar-headed male looked towards him only to receive a punch breaking his ribs as the male flew back from the force of the punch. "Aren't you a team member of the demon slayers?!" Tanjiro shouted at the boar-headed male who had laid on the ground. 'His bones... are broken!' Zenitsu thought eyes wide as he stared at the male laying on the ground. "Do you know why Zenitsu won't pull out his sword? Because it's taboo for team members to pull their blades out and bully others!! And you're here, enjoying yourself while others are in pain? You really are... despicable!!" Tanjiro angrily exclaimed as the boar-headed male laid on the ground coughing.

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