Chapter 6

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Third Person P.O.V
'You can't tell anybody, okay? You can't tell anybody anything about me. If you say something, I'll know immediately. I've always been watching you.' Muzan told the demon as he held the demon by his mouth. He put his finger to his mouth as if he was say 'be quiet'. The demon remember what Muzan said and immediately got frightened. "I can't say! I can't say! I can't say! I can't say! I can't say!" The demon said to Tanjiro spooked about what would happen if he spoke.

'That frightening scent was enough to shock the demon right into his bones.' Tanjiro thought as he watched the demon freaked out. "I can't say anything about it!" The demon shouted before it grew his hands and went to attack Tanjiro who moved and slash its head and both of its arm. 'Ahh! I couldn't get an answer again. Nezuko!! Toshiro!!' Tanjiro thought as he turned around, running towards both Toshiro and Nezuko who were asleep.

'... They're asleep. The blood on Nezuko has stopped too. Did they go to sleep to recover...? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You both just need to wait a little while longer. Your brother and boyfriend will definitely...turn you guys back into humans.' Tanjiro thought as he put his head to Nezuko before kissing Toshiro's nose as he shifted. He opened his eyes and looked at Tanjiro as he let out hums, hugging him. Tanjiro smiled as he pulled him closer inhaling his calm scent as Toshiro pat his head.

"Are you alright, To-kun?" Tanjiro asked Toshiro who nodded his head. Kazumi fell to his knees after resting the girl against the wall, tears starting to fall out of his eyes. 'Satoko-chan...' he thought in sorrow as Tanjiro walked closer to him. "Kazumi-san. Are you alright?" Tanjiro asked him as he knelt down in front of Kazumi. "..... I've already lost my fiancee. Do you think I'd be alright after that?" He said as he looked up at Tanjiro.

".... Kazumi-san... No matter how much you have lost... You don't have a choice but to continue living with strength. No matter how severe of a blow you took..." He told Kazumi as he got angry and grabbed his haori. "What would a kid like you...!! Know about any of this!!" Kazumi shouted at Tanjiro as he looked at him for a second. Tanjiro grabbed his hand gently as he looked at him with a soft smile on his face.

"... I'm leaving. Take this. If only... Satoko's belongings were in here as well..." Tanjiro as he handed him the part of the demon vest that held the girls belongings. He grabbed it and held it close to his chest as Toshiro cane closer and patted his head causing Kazumi to look at him. He got up and ran to Tanjiro who walked away. '... You're the same, aren't you? Aren't you?' Kazumi thought as he saw them walk further away. "I'm sorry! I've said some things that were overly cruel to you!! Please forgive me! I'm sorry..." He shouted at Tanjiro who looked back before waving at him.

'... Those heartbreaking pair of hands... That tough and strong thickness... A young boys hand shouldn't be like that.' Kazumi thought as he continued to watch Tanjiro and Toshiro walk away. Tanjiro held an angry expression as he clenched his fistfist while his crow landed in his shoulder. 'Looks like it wasn't just me. There are a lot more people that have been killed, tortured, and in pain because of him. Kibutsuji Muzan... I'll never forgive you.' He thought to himself.

"The next location is Asakusa in Tokyo Prefecture!! There are rumors of a demon hiding there!! Cawwww!!" The bird shouted by Tanjiro ears as he looked at it. "Eh, is it time to go to the next location already?" Tanjiro asked the crow in surprise. "Go now!!" He shouted again. "Wait a moment..." Tanjiro told the crowd as it ignored him. "Not waiting!!" The crow shouted again.

~Day after the day after tomorrow, Asakusa~

As Tanjiro made it to Azakusa, he had Nezuko on his left as Toshiro occupied the box fast asleep. 'The streets  have developed into this state already!! Even though it's still night, it's still so bright!! The buildings are so tall, why is that?! Are cities this?!' Tanjiro thought as he stared at the city in disbelief. 'It's making me so dizzy...' Tanjiro thought as he walked through the city. "Let's... Let's... Let's go there, Nezuko." Tanjiro said as he came across a food stall.

(On Hold) My Protective Demon Tanjiro x Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now