Chapter 16

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Third Person P.O.V
'This feeling is just like being showered by a gentle rain... No pain... No agony... Only warmness... I never thought there could be such a peaceful way to die... And now I'm... Free...' The lady thought as her head fell from her body.


"I was wrong... I will apologize, please forgive me... Why are you mad? What displeases you?" The lady asked not receiving a reply while Rui watched from the thread. "Your fault lies with not knowing why he is mad." Rui told her. "How... But..." The lady said confused holding her bleeding eye. She heard laughter as she turned looking at a tree to see a head poking out. "Mother has angered father again." The male said laughed as she screamed when the father grabbed her hair. The girl in the tree just watched silently.

~Flashback over~

Tanjiro glanced at her with sad eyes as her's widened. 'Those... eyes... Those gentle eyes... Like they can see through everything... When I was still human... I have felt the gentle looks that somebody else had given me. Who might that somebody have been? I can't remember. It was somebody who has always viewed me as important... What might that person be doing right now?' The woman thought. ".... There is a twelve demon moon here! Be careful...!!" The lady warned him just before she disappeared and his eyes widened. 'Twelve demon moon?! There is a twelve demon moon within this mountain as well? The blood of the twelve demon moons and Kibutsuji runs considerably thick...!! It won't be far from the day that Nezuko and Toshiro turns back into a human as long as I can take some of their blood to complete the medicine!!' Tanjiro thought covering his mouth frightened. 'Right! Inosuke!!' Tanjiro thought as he turned rushing back to Inosuke.

"Did you defeat her?!!" Inosuke shouted as soon as Tanjiro stood in front of him. "I did. Inosuke, are you alright..." Tanjiro asked him. "Can you not think about me with such meticulousness?! Ya listening? You understand? I can do anything you can do! My head is going to be way tougher than yours in just a little bit! And also..." Inosuke said as Tanjiro stared at the cuts on his body. 'His wounds are so severe... And I couldn't save any of the other companions... From that person, I could feel... a terrifying... and agonizing smell.. This is enough to fuel her death wish... Why exactly has this mountain turned into what is is right now.. with a twelve demon moon lying in wait here... Is this a mountain inhabited by a clan of demon's? However... I thought demon's don't live together...' Tanjiro thought whilst he tried to wrap up Inosuke's wound to which he was struggling with since Inosuke won't stop moving.

~with Zenitsu~

"Ouch!" He exclaimed as he stopped silently staring at his hand. 'I think I was bitten by something!! What the hell bit me, seriously!! This really pissed me off!!' Zenitsu thought angrily. "This sucks, I can't even find Tanjiro and Inosuke! Where did they go off to?! They're all like this!! And it stinks around here!! Smells terrible!! I want to cry!!" Zenitsu shouted as spiders began to make their way towards him. "The spiders with their crawling sounds really is starting to make my own skin crawl! No, the spiders are also trying to survive with everything they've got! Seriously-- so loud! All of you, be quiet!!" Zenitsu shouted turning around to see a spider with a human head staring at him.

"What the hell is that?!!!" He exclaimed staring down alarmed. "That's a human face! That's a spider with a human face!! What is this, what is this?! This is a dream, a dream, a dream, please!! If this is just a dream, I'll do my best!! If I wake up and I'm resting on Nezuko-chan's knees, I'll try even harder! I'll plow the land! No matter if it's 1 acre of land or 2 acres I'll plow them all!! I'll show you!! Please let me wake up... From this terrible nightmare!!" Zenitsu shouted as he ran as fast as he can in the opposite direction before he arrived at a clearing. He looked up with dread as he saw human bodies hanging from a house that was connected by threads. 'What is that, what is that, what is that!! Are they turning humans... into spiders?! A house is floating in mid air?! I think I saw something catching the light... Are those threads? And this stink!! A very sharp stink!! Tanjiro probably would die in an instant if he was here, with his nose being so sharp!!' Zenitsu thought covering his nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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