Chapter 4

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(So I won't write when he fights those demons I will just put the link above. Video from King Philip Basilio. Also white haired girl is bold and black haired girl is italics when listing the ranks.)

Tanjiro's P.O.V

'The demon's vital is their neck. But using a normal blade to chop at their neck cannot kill them. The blades that the demon killing team members use are forged with a special steel. The name of the blade is "Nichirin Blade".' Urokodaki-sensei told me.'The reason I was able to start winning, was after I started to be able to smell the "line of interval". When I am fighting if I am able to detect that smell, the I can see the lines.' I thought as I looked at Sabito.

'The lines connect my blade... to the opponent's slight pause in their movement (intervals) the moment I see it, the lines become taut. My blade will then be guided by the line and slice into that interval.' I thought as I looked and noticed a line connected with my sword and the top of Sabito's mask before I swing.

"The reason I didn't want you to go join the final selection, was because I didn't want to see anymore children die of this anymore. But I didn't count on you being able to destroy the rock. You did well." Urokodaki-sensei said a she rest his hand on my head. "Tanjiro, you are an...impressive kid." He said as I felt tears fall out of my eyes.

"You must come back...alive from the Final Selection. This old man, your sister and lover will wait for you right here." Urokodaki-sensei said before he pulled me into a hug as I hugged him back.

'After cutting my hair, Urokodaki-sensei gave me a mask. It was called the mask of Disaster Prevention. It would protect me from being plagued by bad luck. Due to me being unable to bring along the always sleeping Nezuko and Toshiro. I left them in Urokodaki-sensei's care.' I thought as I told Nezuko and Toshiro bye before I set off.

"Don't worry about your sister and lover. I'll take good care of them." Urokodaki-sensei told me before I left. "Alright! Thank you very much! Urokodaki-sensei, I'm leaving! Say hello to Sabito and Makomo for me!" I told him before I walked away as I didn't hear what he said. "Tanjiro, how did you...know the names of those dead children." Urokodaki said when Tanjiro was far away.

Fujikasaneyama, the place of the final selection.

'Wow...Wisteria. They aren't suppose to blossom in this season.' I thought as I went and touch them before I walked up the stairs. I made it to the top and saw a lot of other students standing there. Majority of them had faces filled with anxiousness. 'That's alot of people...' I thought as I looked around.

"Greeting everyone. Thank you all for joining the final final selection tonight." The two ladies standing on the stair said at the same time. "There are a lot of demons held captive on this mountain brought back by demon slayers. They are unable to leave." The one with albino hair said.

"Because from the foot of the mountain to half way up, There are a lot of demon repelling wisteria that bloom all year round." The black haired girl said. "However, from here on out, there are no more wisteria. Only demons." The white haired girl said before her sister started talking.

"If you can survive here for seven days, then you pass the final selection." The black haired girl said before they spoke together. "Now let the final selection begin." they said together as they backed away from us before everyone made their way into the forest.

~after the fight with the hands demon~

I stood in front of the decaying body of the demon. 'A scent of sorrow...' I thought as I stared at the hand sadly. I reached my hand and held his hand as I rest my forehead on their hand. 'God, please allow this person to never become a demon again when he reincarnates.' I thought as the hand disappears.

(On Hold) My Protective Demon Tanjiro x Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now