Chapter 15

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Third Person P.O.V
"Leave this place to me, you guys go on ahead!!" Murata shouted to Inosuke and Tanjiro as they looked at him. "Eh?!" Tanjiro said shocked as he held one of the slayers in a head lock or well body lock. "You've pissed your pants already, how can you even say that?!" Inosuke shouted to him. "Who told you I pissed my pants, you stupid pig! I'm not talking to you, so just shut it!!" Murata shouted back at Inosuke offended. "I'm sorry for showing you guys my embarrassing side, but I am also a member of the demon slayer corps. Leave this place to me!! I'll think of a way!!" He shouted to Tanjiro. "Cutting the threads is a good idea to use here! The movements of the people being controlled here are monotonous and simple! I'll be wary of the spiders! There will probably be stronger people being controlled near the demon! Hurry, the both of you!!" Murata shouted to them.

"..... I understand!! Thank you!!" Tanjiro before he ran off grabbing Inosuke at the same time. "I'm going to punch you before we leave!! Who are you calling stupid pig!! I'll definitely beat the crap out of you after I come back!" Inosuke shouted angrily whilst being dragged by Tanjiro. "I'm definitely punching that guy!" Inosuke shouted as Tanjiro had let him go and now he was running behind him. "Stop talking about that!" Tanjiro shouted at him. "But he called me a stupid pig, Monjiro!" Inosuke shouted getting Tanjiro's name wrong. "It's Tanjiro!" He corrected before they stopped surprised. "You can't... Don't come near me... Hurry up and get a higher ranking person to come here!! If you don't. I'm going to end up killing everybody!! Please... I beg you!!" The girl shouted tears falling from her eyes as she gripped on of the dead slayers by the hair and her sword in the other one's throat.

"Ufufufu. The closer you get to me, the larger the threads will become, and the stronger they will be. My dolls will also become stronger." The lady said moving the threads that were connected to her fingers. "Mother." The same demon from earlier called out as he stood by a tree. "Rui." The lady said surprised to see him. "Can we win? Will this take too long... And take up too much time?" He asked but the lady remained silent. "If you don't hurry... I will tell father." Rui told her. "Everything is fine!! Mother can do it!! I will definitely protect you!! Don't tell Father!! Don't tell Father--!!" The woman shouted frightened. "Then hurry." He said before he moved behind the tree leaving.

The woman began breathing heavily before her frightened nature turned to one of anger. "Uuurgh!! Die!! Die!! Die, all of you!! Or else I'm going to end up as...!!" The woman shouted as she began to move her hand at a fast pace. "Run!!" The girl shouted as she swung her sword at Tanjiro. 'That's fast!!' He thought as he narrowly avoided it. "I'm being controlled, so my movements are completely different!! We are not that strong!!" She shouted as her hands moved backwards before it began to twist in different angles causing her range to get wider. She shouted in pain as her hand started to twist some more. 'The demon's threads are forcing drastic actions upon the body... It doesn't matter to the demon, even if the bones break... This is too cruel!!' Tanjiro thought dodging her strikes. She suddenly thrust the katana forward as he managed to duck in time. His widened when he looked to his right to see the slayers that were once on the held by the girl were now standing bleeding heavily.

"Ki... Kill us... The bones... within our... arms and legs... are all broken... Our internal organs are broken... and damaged... We are forced to move... This pain... We'd rather die... No matter what option we take... The result is death. Save us... Stop this... Finish us...!!" The guy as Tanjiro was mortified by his words not wanting to do that. "Okay, I got it!!" Inosuke shouted rushing forward. "Wait!! There must be a way to save them..." Tanjiro shouted dodging the girl's strikes. "Shut uuup!! Shut your mouth!! He said it himself, he wants to die!! This bunch is fast, and we'll be the ones killed if we dawdle!!" Inosuke shouted to Tanjiro jumping over the guy's katana. "I'm trying to think of a way to deal with this, so just stop for a second!!" Tanjiro shouted. 'I don't want to use my sword techniques!! Even if the threads are cut, they'll be immediately reattached. In order to stop them, I must... Right!!' Tanjiro thought once he realized what he must do.

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