Chapter 2

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Tanjiro's P.O.V
As the sun started to set I saw this woman and her kid outside so I went up to them. "Hello Miss, do you know a way to Mt. Sagiri?" I asked her with Nezuko in the basket on my back and Toshiro besides me. "To reach the slopes of Sagiri you must first pass through these mountains." The lady said to me. "The sun is going down now... Are you sure you want to continue? With such large luggage won't it be dangerous?" She asked me as her son held onto her.

"I will try to be prudent. Thank you for everything." I said to her as I bowed before I began to make my way up the mountain. "There's stories of travellers that disappear into thin air. Be careful!" she told me as she held her child in her hand. "Ah! Look, a temple! You can also see light inside. We have company... Come on..." I said as he dragged Nezuko and Toshiro with him to the entrance of the temple. As he came closer he began to smell something. "This so the smell of blood!" I said as rushed up the stairs with them behind me. "Someone will be hurt... We'll help..." I said as I opened the door I was shocked at the scene.

I stared in horror as the demon was eating the body of the female as the husband and son was dead next to her. "... Hey! This... This is my territory. Trespassers! Aren't allowed!!" The demon said as he stopped eating to stare at the trio. 'A man eating demon!' I thought as I stared at him in horror while Nezuko and Toshiro stared at the bodies as spit started to come out from their muzzle. "... Hm? You seen very strange. Are you human?" The demon asked before it launched at me.

As it pushed me outside I grabbed my axe and swiped at its neck cutting it before hitting the ground. "Haha... an axe. Hah! Not bad." The demons said as it touched it's neck where there was blood. "However, trifling little wounds such as these... will heal almost immediately you know? You see? The blood has already stopped." The demon said as it showed me it's neck. I watched in shock as the wound began to magically heal itself. The cut and blood on the demon suddenly vanished.

Nezuko and Toshiro stood their by the door as the bodies of the dead human erupted their hunger unable to look away. The demon launched itself towards me again laying me flat on the ground as its hand was on my neck trying to choke me. 'So fast. And this enormous strength!!' I thought as the demon added more strength. "I won't get chopped at by you for a second time. And now, I'm going to break your head off from your neck." It told before Nezuko came running towards us and kicked its head from it's body.

I pushed the body away as I stared at Nezuko in amazement. 'She...!! She killed the man-eating demon!! Even though I didn't want to kill him but he was a demon..!!' I thought to myself as Nezuko was panting from resisting the human blood. "Ne-nezuko! I said as I looked at her. Suddenly I see Toshiro appear besides her and kicked the body away from as it was reaching towards me. 'Unbelievable! His head fell off but his body is still moving around?!' I thought as dread began to fill me as I stared at the body.

"You bastard! I knew it! I knew the other two were demons! No wonder I felt that strange feeling earlier! Why would two demons be traveling together with a human?!" The demon shouted as I stared at the head in horror. 'His head is talking!!' I thought as I didn't notice it's body move until it reached for Nezuko. Toshiro grabbed Nezuko and jumped back as the body ran towards them. The head ran or crawl fast to me as it tried to bite me I swing my as around as his teeth latched into it.

Third Person P.O.V
The demon pushed Toshiro a good distance away before he kicked her. As he was about to grab her, Toshiro appeared behind him and punched his back. He turned around and grabbed Toshiro and Nezuko before he threw them farther away. 'How did he grow arms out of his head?!!' Tanjiro thought as the demon wrapped pieces of his hair around the base of the axe. "Out of my way!!" Tanjiro shouted before headbutting him cause him to lose focus. He hit him again for the second time.

(On Hold) My Protective Demon Tanjiro x Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now