33; Lost & Found

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Context: Human AU, they're boyfriends who are about to move in together. Art by Tracey Lynn Tobin.

Aziraphale's misplaced his favorite sweater and it's driving him insane.

Word Count: 2,500


Aziraphale's POV:

Aziraphale Zachary Fell wasn't the most organized person in the world, unless it was related to his books. But this was too much, even for him. He knew exactly where every single work of his collection was, and yet, he couldn't find his favorite sweater. He'd been looking for the past month, but it was as if it had sprung legs and gone out the front door! What made him even more upset about it was the fact that the exact style of the sweater had been discontinued, so he couldn't replace it with an identical one.

He tried different brands, but gave up. He supposed he would have to grab another one of his sweaters and wear it down enough to turn it into his 'stay-at-home' sweater. Fairly tough choice, considering all his other sweaters were in impeccable condition, many people were shocked to learn they were not brand-new. Oh well, no use in complaining when there was work to be done. He had plenty of boxes that needed filling and a pair of helping hands just walked into shop.

His boyfriend, Anthony J. Crowley was a sight to behold. Tall, pale, lean, hazel eyes, short hair like fire and a smile that'll turn your knees to jelly. The small snake tattoo on the right side of his face was more intriguing than off-putting. And then there was his walk. The man could not keep those hips in check, they jutted outward in an almost unnatural way. 'Sinful' was Aziraphale's preferred word for them. And his agent agreed, which was how he was chosen for his job. With hips like those, of course he'd be an underwear model!

Coincidently, they met six years ago at the store, in the underwear section. Crowley was buying the tightest version of the brand he was plastered on, and Aziraphale was reaching for the exact opposite style, though it was the same brand. The chubby book collector made joke about it and Crowley came up with one of his own. They shared a few laughs and when the redhead suddenly asked him out, Aziraphale nearly hid in the nearby clothes racks. He didn't believe someone like him would actually be attracted to a man as fussy as him. He accepted his offer and went, expecting to be stood up. To his surprise, Crowley showed up and was genuinely interested in him and his stories. At times, he felt like he was being watched as though Crowley wanted to take a bite out of him and, though the feeling was very much mutual, the blond man was definitely not used to it. Luckily, Crowley made it his mission to ensure he'd get used to it the more serious their relationship got.

And get serious it did, considering they were due to move in together in a matter of days. Their new home would be a cottage in the countryside. Lovely as anything, with a big garden. They fell in love with it as soon as they saw it. They had barely finished a tour of the home and they were already making an offer. Hence the need for the boxes.

Crowley sauntered in as if he owned the bookshop. Ironic, since Aziraphale didn't even own 'Fell & Co.', he merely took care of it while his cousin Gabriel, the actual owner, was out searching for rare books. With the whole move happening, Gabriel intended on having their other cousin, Michael, do the searching and buying, so he could tend to the shop. Apparently, Michael had the gift of gab and could haggle with the best of them, which meant Gabriel could pay less for a rare edition and sell it for a greater amount later on. Whereas Aziraphale wouldn't sell anything to anyone if he thought they wouldn't give it the proper care, no matter the money. Aziraphale had always been more of a collector, rather than a business man, unlike the rest of his family. So, while not in a malicious way, it was for the best that Aziraphale be replaced.

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