28; The Fallen Angel's Falling Stars

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Context: Had the idea after seeing this piece by 'asphaloth' on Twitter.

Crowley will never forget the first time he saw a meteor shower. He will never forget what he felt, and he will never forget who comforted him.

Word Count: 2,800


Crowley's POV:

2065 BC

It had started off as a nice day. He and Aziraphale had done all their respective duties and gone to get dinner to celebrate. After their meal and a few drinks, the pair had decided to take a stroll among the fields. It was a full moon, so they thought they'd enjoy it. Once they became tired, they laid down on the hillside and chatted. It had been lovely. Until the pair saw a falling star. Aziraphale had sounded excited about it, but Crawley wasn't able to focus on what he was saying because he felt his heart drop into his stomach.

No. No, not them too, please...! Begged the demon as tears filled his eyes. He choked out a sob. "I helped build those ones..." His heart ached at the sight. Rejected again, as if the boiling lake of sulphur wasn't enough... He slumped over to cry into his own hands.

Aziraphale was incredibly concerned by his reaction and quickly crawled closer to him. "Crawley? What's the matter?"

"I knew She hated me, but this seems like a bit of overkill, if I'm being honest." Cried the demon.

The blond gasped, realizing what Crawley had interpreted from the night sky. "Oh no, no! Crawley this isn't anything against you!" He stressed, moving in front of the redhead and grabbing the him by the shoulders.

Crawley's sobs didn't cease, but he looked up, jaundice eyes begging for him to explain himself. And that was exactly what the angel did. "Dear boy, She isn't destroying your work! This was explained in a meeting a few months ago."

"What?" It was barely a whisper and his voice sounded broken.

It tore Aziraphale apart. He had never seen Crawley this emotional and he felt the need to help him, even if he knew they were supposed to be enemies. He couldn't help himself, despite everything he's said, he is starting to see the demon as his friend. That's how he ended up ripping part of his sleeve to use it as a rag.

Crawley flinched at first but eventually let the angel wipe away his tears as he explained. "Dear boy, what you saw falling through the skies wasn't one of your creations. Shooting stars aren't actually stars."

"Wha-? What are they then?" The poor dear looked so confused.

Cautiously, the blond placed a gentle hand on the demon's shoulder. "You and the other star-makers mainly used stardust. But the angels who were tasked with making the other planets used more solid materials. Like dirt, rocks and iron. Perhaps not the same kind we're laying on right now, but more solid nonetheless. What we saw, essentially, were flaming space rocks traveling across space."

The tears were still brimming. He wanted to understand. Needed to. "But why...?"

"The Almighty decided She wanted the humans to have something else to enjoy at nighttime. Although, from what I gathered, this won't be a nightly occurrence everywhere... Your creations are safe and sound." He assured him.

And while that had seemed like enough to calm him down, Aziraphale still felt like he needed to do more. He doubted himself a million times in the span of three seconds, but he made up his mind. He hoped Crawley wouldn't take it the wrong way, but he couldn't take it anymore. He hugged him. He hugged him tightly and braced himself for the demon to hiss and scream and get away from him. To his surprise, he felt Crawley bury his nose into his shoulder and he actually hugged him back!

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