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"You don't have any idea how much trouble you've caused me." Odin's voice rang in your ears as you laid on the ground, clutching your stomach in pain.

You knew that he was coming for you, but you hadn't expected him to just teleport in front of you and struck you with his gold sabers.

He stood over you, aiming the tip of his swords toward your Advent Belt. "How did you find out it was me? Yui couldn't have..." Odin's sentence trailed off, seeming to be in deep thought.

You coughed. "You're a fucking coward! Of course I knew it'd be your dumbass that started this shit! Can't you understand that Yui wanted to make the Mirror World a happy place that would not cause any more suffering?! All you're doing is making things much worse!" You grit your teeth in pain as Shiro pressed his heel against your chest with inhuman strength.

"Shut up! I did this in order to prevent her death! I can't lose my precious little sister!" Before Shiro could pierce you with his sabers, you quickly drew an Advent Card and inserted it into your visor, sliding the head back into its original place.


Odin shot his head up to the sky and prepared himself for your Contract Beast. Although Odin was the strongest Kamen Rider out of everyone, including yourself, he was still no match against the mechanical dragon alone. Dragreder grabbed hold of the Phoenix Rider with his fangs, dragging him over to several buildings.

"No..!" Shiro wheezed as his head collided with steel, glass, and stone. As Dragreder continued to do as he pleased with Odin, you took this time to catch your breath. 

"Please... [Y/N]..."

Underneath your armor, your eyes widened at the familiar voice. It can't be... "Y-Yui..? I thought you were-" She immediately cuts you off and pleads.

"Please save my brother..! I don't want any more of this... We only created the Mirror World as a safe place for us to be protected by the monsters we drew. Yet... The deaths that we've seen —both innocent people and Kamen Riders— I no longer want this world to exist!"

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