《 七 : Evolution of Dragon and Vampire Blood 》

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WARNING: This chapter is VERY long (because of the amount of details lmao), so I suggest grabbing a snack and a drink when reading this! But, without further ado, enjoy~!

It's only been a couple of weeks since the amorous, intimate session with a certain blonde vampire: Yang Xiao Long. More than stunned, you were absolutely stupefied by how you just let her do those things to you. Even if the intense infatuation was mutual, you'd wanted to wait for the right moment but that obviously wasn't the case...

Things haven't been easier for you either — Yang would carry on with her amatory exploits, the rest of Team RWBY would stare (or more like stalk) at you as if they'd attack at any second, and your female teammates displayed their unusual coquetry whenever you came around. Just what the hell is happening?!

Not only that, but you've also been approached by several different girls in the last few weeks. The most notable encounter would be the second-years: Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina, members of Team CFVY (Note: it's pronounced Coffee. I literally had no idea and figured that out like... recently).

Coco Adel, the leader of Team CFVY and a fashionista that's self-assured and confident, reminded you of Yang. The brunette had the exact same style and manner as the blondette — they both worked hard to have high self-esteem, very flirtatious, and were skilled fighters. The only difference was that Yang allowed herself to be lit and fired up, whereas Coco served herself at the right temperature of 'hot'.

Velvet Scarlatina was the opposite of her team leader — she was a reserved, diffident youth. The other day you saw her being picked on by Cardin and his teammates, and you stepped up to confront him. A Rabbit Faunus or not, it didn't matter at all; they were still individuals and are allowed to have emotions. You once asked her why she allows herself to be isolated? To suffer through this unfortunate discrimination?

"I've read this on the internet: the moment we refuse to hurt others because of our own pain, is the time we evolve as souls. This saying speaks out for me and allows my cries to be heard. And I wouldn't mind forgiving them. Even if they don't feel the slightest bit guilty or apologetic toward their actions against me, I'm doing this for myself and for my own sake. No one else's."

You were jealous, covetous of her strong mentality. How does she keep her emotions and logic checked and balanced? You're barely getting by with little remnants of sanity that's left in your system. How does she do it? How does she get by without plunging herself in eternal ruin?

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