《 三 : First Encounter 》

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➡️Two more girls are added to your harem: Winter Schnee and Robyn!⬅️

Now back to the story! :D


"So, [Y/N]... How'd you sleep?" Yang slid up next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You were organizing some things in your locker, but then closed it as soon as the blonde arrived (you still didn't have a weapon, but hey! You still got your Advent Decks!).

You yawned and just shrugged your shoulders. "Dreamt about being displaced and transported to a fantasy world where I have to fight against villains and monsters, so I guess I got some decent sleep. How about you?"

The lilac-eyed female laid her head on your shoulder, enveloping you with her whole body. "I slept fine, but it would've been better if you were there laying next to me..." You blushed to think of how that would've turned out, but then slapped away the thought.

"Yang, we have our own beds for a reason." You said with rolled eyes and began to walk over towards Ruby's direction with Yang attached to the left side of your body. "Nooo! Let's be alone together!" She whined and snuggled down on your neck.

"Oh, goodmorning, [Y/N]! And-- Yang!? What on earth are you doing?!" Ruby called at the top of her voice, possibly making you deaf. All your efforts to squirm out of Yang's grasp had proven to be useless as she tightened her firm hold on you.

"Just initiating some friendly skinship with [Y/N] here! Nothing else, little sis!" The older sister said with a wide grin. She hadn't noticed that she was actually choking you instead of hugging you. Or was it both..? You weren't sure — you couldn't think straight due to the blonde squeezing you by the neck, cutting off your upper air circulation.

"Too... early... to... die...! Yang..!" You frantically tapped her arm, but she still hadn't noticed! Fortunately, Ruby was able to see that you were about to die from Yang's grasp and saved you at the speed of light.

"Thank... you..." You coughed and the younger soothingly rubbed your back. "There, there... Yang! Can't you see that you were about to choke you!? Jeez, what's got you so worked up this morning?" Ruby frowned at her older sister.

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