《 十 : Welcome To Beacon, And Goodbye To Your Normal Life, Rider 》

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The usual tumult, common to the forced union of the White Fang and the antagonistic group, greets the two partners as soon as their feet crosses the threshold.

The Faunus terrorist group talking at varying volumes and moving about, boxes are being transported on all sides, steampunk ambience, and–

"Oh, look! She sent the kids again!" The orange-haired criminal sauntered towards them, going behind Emerald and Mercury, then putting his gloved hands around their shoulders. "This is turning out just like the divorce." Roman says with the mellow tone of his voice.

Emerald voiced out a little shiver, and the two underlings pushed his arms away. "Spare us the thought of you procreating." Roman slowly walked on, eyeing her from the corner of his eye. "That was a joke. And this–" The criminal brings up a hand and reveals a small loose-leaf note. "Just might tell me where you two have been all day."

"What?!" Emerald looks down at her pockets, then returns her gaze to the ruthless gentleman. "I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, and maybe you'll learn something..." Roman reads what's on the paper before glaring at the male-female duo. "Why do you have this address?"

"Wouldn't you  like to know?" Emerald points her finger at him and then retrieves the slender joint back to her side. Roman frowns, now in front of the pink-haired vampire. "Yeah, I would. Now, where have you been all day?"

Walking up to the wanted criminal and jabbing a finger at his direction, Mercury begins to speak, "Cleaning up your  problems—one of them at least." 

"I had that under control." Roman growls through his gritted teeth. "Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise." The silver assassin debunked with a blank look.

"Listen, you little punk. If it were up to me, I would take you and your little street red friend here, and I would–"

"Do what, Roman?" Her  voice resounded through the entire warehouse along with her heels lightly clicking against the metal pavement. As soon as she unveiled herself from the shadows, all they could see was the depths of crescent fire. Moreover, her red dress echoed the color of her eyes. Sharp, fierce, yet deadly at the same time.

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