《 六 : UNDREAM 》

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Note that [N/N] means Nickname! Also I'd like to apologize about not updating for like a week? Teachers really like to add more work when the grading period ends but it's whatever... Also this chapter is VERY long, so I'm really sorry about that. Without further ado, enjoy~!♡


"[Y/N]... Please don't cry..."

"How can I not cry?!? You're an idiot, Miho! You're fucking dying and it's all my fault! If only I got here sooner... If only--!"

The memory grew dim and vague, gradually fading away from you. Darkness engulfed your vision, but there were certain things you were able to see. Yet, you didn't want to see any of them. The vivid evocation of the war, the people you cared about, and the ones that went against humanity — you can remember it all. You couldn't endure it and so you buried them all.

However, they came back to haunt you. They were pieces of fragmented glass you couldn't reverse. The pain is getting deeper, and your heart hurts every single day. How many times do you have to say it? You were sorry. With a broken and a contrite heart, you said sorry towards those that you couldn't protect. Whatever more does the world want from you?

Another memory flies down to meet your eyes. It was of Satoru Tojo, the former Tiger Rider, who hadn't liked you because of your unwillingness to sacrifice Yui, a comrade you had in the war. He took after his professor's analogies on the concept of being a hero. Yet, how does killing someone make you a hero? You were no different than the monsters if you committed that sin.

"Ending that girl's life will save the world. She has tainted our society and we need to get rid of her immediately! Why can't you understand that, [Y/N]?!"

"Screw your damned analogy! There are no heroes in this goddamn world!? We're only doing this because we don't have a choice! We fight and kill in order to survive, but that's just wrong! You and I are no different than the Mirror Monsters... But, Yui isn't like them or any of us, so don't drag her into this! Don't take one's life that was given and meant to live!"

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