《 一 : A New Beginning 》

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Passengers! We've safely arrived at Vale! You may unbuckle your seatbelts and grab your belongings! Please enjoy your stay and have a good one! Too-da-loo!~

You quickly unfastened the seatbelt and managed to grab your luggage without getting hit on the head by one of the passenger's bags. "Sheesh... It seems like everyone is in a hurry. I wonder why?" You muttered to yourself as you boarded off the plane and made your way across the airport terminal. You looked to the glass windows, only to see hundreds of stars shining in the night sky.

Dragreder: Perhaps it's about that thing you read on the plane earlier. Something called Bacon Academy?

"It's Beacon Academy, dumbass. Apparently it's a Huntsman Academy in Vale. I've never heard of it." You continued to pace through the building to find an exit. Your eyes caught sight of glass doors, and you immediately ran towards the exit before things started to get hectic at the terminal.

Dragreder: What's the rush? Are we in danger?

"It's not that," You slid through the crowd, finally making it out of the area. You raised up a hand to get the attention of a taxi cab. Luckily enough, they pulled up in front of you. "I just hate crowds. And, I also don't want to be stuck at the airport terminal any longer than I have to. I just want to get out in Vale and explore." You opened the car door, placing and pushing your luggage inside the yellow vehicle. You scorched down and entered the vehicle, making sure to close the door after.

"Where to?" The driver asked, adjusting his mirror. You simply answered, "Beacon Academy. Pretty sure that's the most popular place here in Vale according to this tour guide book." You showed him your guide book and he nodded.

"Ah, yes. Beacon Academy is very well-known for their trained teams of Huntsmen and Huntresses. Are you a transfer student there?" You shook your head. "No, I only came here to start anew. I figured if you dropped me off there, then I'd be able to associate myself with the notable parts of Vale."

The older man nods and begins to drive to the destination. For a few minutes, the drive had been silent until he decided to break the ice. "So, where are you from, miss?" You briefly responded. "Japan."

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