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Kendall closes the front door quietly, hoping to get to her room with no interruptions. She races through the, thankfully empty, ground floor, up to the third floor and collapsed on her bed. How could he do this? She sits alone with her thoughts for a few minutes before a soft knock interrupts her. She groans and the door creaks open.
"He cheated on me."
Angela pauses.
"I know how much he meant to you. I had someone cheat on me once. Finn."
"What did you do?"
"I cut that bastard out my life. Never looked back. You need to stand up for yourself. Fight back."
"Will you defend me?"
"Fuck yeah. We can get an army."
Kendall laughs.

"Kendall and I are kicking some 13 year old's ass. Anyone wanna come?"
Angela shouts as we run down the stairs.

10 minutes later, the army is marching to Josh's house. Angela and Jaime are at the front, dragging Kendall behind them and behind them are James, Jon, Robert and Lauren. Lauren, James and Robert are in sweats due to being in dance rehearsal for Wiggle. Angela raps on the door. A woman opens the door, shocked by the 6 strangers.
"Hello. Kendall here would like to talk to your son."
"Oh. Kendall. Yes, of course. He is just in his room. Please, come in."
The group enters as the lady calls for her son. A few awkward minutes later, a messy haired teenage boy enters the room. He seems startled by the acting group and finds Kendall. She stands and walks over to him.
"I saw you and Jenny. We're over."
She turns on her heel towards the door, followed by her fellow Starkids.
"Kendall, please. I can explain."
"I'd shut up if I were you." Lauren advises as she slams the door in his face on her way out, leaving Josh standing, shocked in his living room.

The cast runs "That was so much fun!"
"He was so scared."
"What did you say Kendall?"
"I told he I knew he cheated and then I broke up with him."
"That scumbag."

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