Nerdy Prudes

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An - Robert was originally mentioned in this but I've stopped including him in projects though he may still show up for other things, he won't be on starkid stuff like streams

"Guys, Jeff and I have been talking and I think it's time for some Nerdy Prudes to Die! The casting will be on the stream, tomorrow. "
Everyone cheers as Nick sits back down at the table. Moments later, they are all back to their food.

The next day, everyone is gathered by the streaming sofas. They are separated into 2 groups with one on each couch. Nick reaches over and clicks the start stream button before returning to his armchair.
"Hey everyone! Welcome to the Nerdy Prudes Must Die stream! Does everyone want to introduce themselves? Jeff, you start."
Jeff nods, next to him.

"Hey. I'm Jeff and I wrote the music and cowrote the script with Nick here."
Jeff hands back over to Nick.
"Yep, I'm Nick and, like Jeff said, I cowrote this with Jeff and my brother Matt."
He continues the anticlockwise round to the occupants of the couches onto Curt.
"Curt." He smirks, raising his hand, attempting not to disturb his wife who is snuggled next to him.
"I'm Kim."
"Dylan here."
"I'm Corey Dorris." he remarks, anxiously. Corey has always been a little socially awkward.
"Hey, I'm Jaime."
Suddenly, a certain man comes barrelling onto screen and jumps into the armchair next to Jaime.
"Joe Walker! I'm staying with a friend and felt like I was missing out so here I am."
Everyone laughs and they move to the other couch and the other screen.

"I'm Angela."
"Mariah here! So's Willie! "
"I'm Jon."
"Hello, I'm Kendall"
"I'm James, I am just finishing the choreography."
"I'm Joey and this is Diane next to me."
"Hey, I'm Lauren!"
"Alright! So here is how this works. Every 1k, we will reveal a casting and every 2k, we will reveal a song so everyone get donating!" For now, we will read your questions that you have sent in."

"Ok, one question says... Lauren, do you know the sex?"
"Yes we do but we would prefer to keep that information to ourselves for the time being."
Everyone shares a smile, knowing how Lauren is having twin girls except Joe who has no clue. Luckily, it's time for the next question, Corey being the one to ask it.
"This one says: Sexualities (If you are comfortable sharing)? So shall we go round?" Dylan takes over from him.
"Hands up if you are in the LGBTQ+ Community."
Angela, Mariah, Jon, Joey and, to everyone's surprise, Joe raise their hands. They then go round, staring their sexualities.
"I'm a lesbian."
"I'm Pansexual."
"Yeah, I'm bi."
"And I'm bi too."
"I didn't know!"
Everyone glances to Lauren, who is smirking.
"I knew."

"OK this one is for you guys. What is the most memorable blooper?"
Everyone thinks for a moment before Lauren answers.
"In The Guys Who Didn't Like Musicals, Robert forgot his syringe one night. It was on the digital ticket recording! I have the clip somewhere, let me find it."
"Talking about digital recordings... Didn't you lose a shoe in that recording and an ear in the the black Friday one?" Kendall points out, grinning as Lauren goes red.
"I didn't lose the shoe. I just adjusted it. Don't forget about Corey's mix up. 'make the last of her last of her last-her last night in town and she'! "

"Well, talking about that... The next question is 'who has the most messups?'"
Everyone turns to the callers, questioning or annoyed.
Jon explains his choice.
"Robert. He forgot one of the lines in show stopping number so sang the wrong line and also cause of the syringe incident."
Finally, Mariah speaks up.
" I don't. I don't really know. The night that Nick filled in as Emma, I laughed the entire night so I said me"
"Guys, come on. It's obviously Jeff. Sure he is the writer but we all know why the character confusion happened in the guy who didn't like musicals. Jeff forgot his line, confusing two of his characters." Lauren pipes up, laughing.
Jeff rolls his eyes as the others continue.

"OK the next one says favourite character that you played? Gary is mine, he's an icon."
"I dont really have much choice! I like both my characters in nightmare time but I think I prefer Hannah."
"I don't really have a main character so I guess the dancer in deck the halls or argh what's his name from Monsters and men. Him."
"Mine would have to be Zazzalil because she was so fun to play but Emma if we are sticking to Hatchetfield."
"Ted was fun, especially in Time Bastard."
"I liked McNamara but also Father."
"Well I haven't been in Hatchetfield show but..."
"Yeah you have!"
"You were Emma!"
Nick blushes as he continues.
"No! It would probably be Robin but I love Sorty and Scarfy."
"Like a few people, I have only really been in Hatchetfield. Probably Howie but if we are extending to tin can bros, Agent Curt Mega was really cool."
"Hmm yeah. Definitely Becky but it was fun to play Jenny and Miss Holloway."
"Jafar definitely. Oh wait was I meant to say Tom? Oh well."
"Bill is such a relatable, good character so I'll go with him."
"Hmmm... I'm going to have to go with Mouthface, especially when I was the death chosen cause I got to pretend to poo my pants."
"Well I can't say anything for Hatchetfield cause I'm not in them but Voldemort and Deadliest Man Alive were pretty amazing roles. And Achmed of course."
"Lex but Snigglette is great."
"Alice but Watcher World Alice."

"OK.. So since most of us picked a hatchetfield character, let's have this question.' If you could play a hatchetfield character, other than your own, who would you play?'. Good questions here guys. Probably Ethan."
"Maybe Gary."
"Well this is easy. Hmm probably Wiggly."
"Probably Alice."
"Hmm. Again, no limits. I would probably play Tom though."
"Fill out my destiny as Lex."
"That's hard. Umm maybe Ted."

"OK so that's all we have time for tonight. We raised $14,565 so thank you everyone for your donations!"
"Your Donations are gladly accepted. Good evening!"
Everyone shouts "Yeahhhhhh" as the stream ends and then they start to clear up. It was a great night.

Hiii. Its me. OK so not all this are Canon butttt some are taken from things. Jon posted pictures of Gary and then Curt said "Gary is an icon" and then also, Jaime in a dm that her favourite starkid song was gotta go cause she got to poo her pants while singing it. Very much like Jaime. Mariah answered the blooper question on a stream once so I took that from there almost word for word. Also, most of the fave characters are mine with a few tweaks. Idk if the amount raised is realistic so just pretend it is. Sorry this took so long! Baii

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