July 14th

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By mid - July, Lauren's crankiness was in top gear. She was due that week and sick of being pregnant. When the others went out to a theme park, she stayed home with Joey. They did a puzzle together which Joey had gotten made. It was their latest shoot, both of them shirtless and joined by Diane, although Lauren was of course wearing a strapless bra and sleeveless top out of shot. It was, however, very hard as it was black and white. Lauren groans as she frantically searches for the last three pieces.
"Joey, Diane has a missing wrist and she needs a wrist."
Joey nods.
"Why don't you check the box again?"
He suggests quietly. Lauren rolls her eyes at him but does notice a small box in the puzzle box. She laughs, knowing what it is.
"You're doing this now?"
Joey also laughs, nodding. Lauren opens the box to find the remaining three pieces. However, unlike the rest of the puzzle, these pieces were things that weren't in the original picture. A gold ring shines out against the monochrome puzzle. Joey calls for Diane who comes trotting in with a small pouch round her neck. Lauren gasps as Joey takes the actual ring out of the small bag.
"Lauren. I love you so much. I cannot remember a time I haven't loved you as much as I do right now. Lauren Elizabeth Lopez, will you marry me?"
Lauren nods tearfully and they kiss, Joey sliding the ring onto Lauren's finger, laughing as he misses.

When the others return, they immediately turn to Lauren. She laughs.
" I'm assuming he told you to go out so that we could be alone. Thank you. "
Joe and James interrupt.
"What happened?"
Lauren beams.
"Wer'e engaged!"
They are immediatly in a crowd.

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